Viper snorted and playfully pulled Hook under his arm into a headlock, "Alright you little trouble maker, lets escort you out." he mockingly bowed his head and apologized, "So sorry officers, my friend here is a little challenged. He can't control himself. Especially the muscle spasms that causes him to trip people."

Hook flung his arm out shouting, "Oh geez!" as he knocked over a cup full of water that miraculously was still filled despite the accident. Water splashed, making the mess of soggy food even bigger and the anger of the cops more so than that. "Sorry, another spasm." he shrugged, before being yanked by Viper to the exit.

"As partial owner of Chang Dai, to make up for-" Shorter waved his hand over the mess, "all this. Next meals on us and I promise it won't be on you."

"I fuckin hate cops." Viper flicked his cigarette to the street, as they all crossed to get to their cars. "Speaking of which, that bastard that thinks he owns us. Heard from him at all, Boss?" Viper knew Sargent Voight better than he wanted. When this whole "partnership" started, Voight wanted to use the serpents to help gather intel to solve some cases in exchange for keeping his unit off of the mafia's scent when it came to drug runs and the occasional prostitution. The new leeway was good for business, so they had no choice but to have a short term agreement.

"Last time we spoke was when that thing at Sing's school went down." Shorter answered while checking his buzzing phone. "Want to say I'm relieved but I ain't stupid. He probably needs to keep his distance from us since Sheng is back. Oh and that Wydell made detective."

Hearing that name made Hook tense up. Every night since his cousin Dreamer was killed by Wydell, he dreamed of the different ways he'd torture the man. Making it last days, maybe even weeks. He felt he'd truly be at peace and able to move on if he finally got the chance to avenge Dreamer.

"That's just great." Viper shook his head, "Guess we can't count on those pigs sticking to moral codes when it comes to trying to take us down. They're getting desperate." his comment was made to receive a response from Shorter who found himself typing away on his phone. Hook and Viper shared a confused stare. They weren't used to seeing Shorter distracted like this. "Boss?"

"Hm?" Shorter finally looked up, "You say something?"

"Yeah I uh- you good?" he asked, "Yuh seem distracted. Is there something Hook and I should know about?"

"Oh. Nah. It's got nothing to do with that." Shorter shook his head and laughed off the question, "I gotta go. I'm running late."

"For what?" Hook asked, standing in front of the car door, keeping Shorter from opening it. He respected his Boss and all, but he was the main guy in the gang that would always challenge him. That attitude was why Shorter nearly kicked Hook out. It wasn't smart to keep a guy around that would always mouth off. That being said, he was loyal and just wanted to test out if the trust ran both ways.

Shorter sighed and held his unlocked phone out for the boys to see the contact above the text messages that he was so preoccupied with. "I'm texting my girl. Said I'd pick her up for lunch."

Hook squinted and clicked on the contact to enlarge the picture. It was a simple selfie of a winking Lux with her glossed lips puckered to mimic a kiss. "Ain't that the drunk chick from the other night?"

Viper bumped him to the side to get a better look, "Oh shit it is. Damn, Boss. You locked down one of the groupies?"

"She's not one of ours. I met her when I was picking Sing up from school once."

"High school girl?" Hook held the phone closer to his face. "She's actually kinda cute when she's not falling face first onto the ground."

"Yeah real cute." Shorter opened up the door to his car and started the engine, "And she's gonna be real mad if I'm late."

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