Chapter 12

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Pulling up in front of the detached garage, I got out. Watching Jason turn in behind me, I felt my heart racing with anticipation.

He parked, silencing the Mercedes with the push of a button.

As he shut the door behind him, he looked around, "You're living at your grandfather's place?"

I nodded, "Yeah. When we were talking about moving him to a home, nobody knew what to do with the house. It's willed to my father, but he doesn't own it yet and we were worried about prowlers."

He walked up around the car, facing me, "So, you're the caretaker?"

Glancing over my shoulder at my grandfather's mansion, I shrugged. "Basically? I get to stay in the guest house, make the place look lived in, make sure the cleaners and the landscapers get paid on time, and in exchange the estate doesn't have to shell out for security for however long Robert's..." I stopped, realizing what I'd been about to say, "...however long he's still at St. Luke's."

He's never coming back here - he'll be in a facility until he dies.

I didn't realize how melancholy I felt until Jason's hand came up to caress my cheek.

Meeting his eyes, a small shiver raced across my skin.

"Come on," I smiled, "it's freezing out here - let's get inside."

Taking his hand, I led him to the front door, unlocking it with a twist of my keys.

Inside, I groped along the wall, flipping the light switch for the living area as I tossed my purse and coat on the entry table.

With a coy smirk, I turned to Jason, "I need to take care of something really quick - make yourself at home."

I saw him kick off his shoes as I headed for the bathroom, intent on cleaning myself up.

From behind the door, I could hear him moving, checking out my home.

"This is nice," I heard him call from the kitchen.

"For something that's basically a one-bedroom apartment?" I grinned, "Yeah. I don't worry about neighbors, and I have all the privacy I want."

His footsteps drew closer, then faded slightly as he headed toward my room.

Then, he stopped.

I didn't think too much of it as I washed and dried my hands, but when I went out into the short hallway, I found him standing at the foot of my bed, staring quizzically at something-

Oh, shit.

In an instant, I knew what he was looking at.

The tripod.

I'd set some stuff up before I'd left, hoping to avoid rushing to get ready for tonight's show.

I completely forgot...

He seemed to finally notice me, and said, "Hailey?"

"Yes?" I replied, coming into the room, doing my best not to look at the tripod and staring into my mirrored closet doors instead.

"I don't want to jump to conclusions, but..." Jason's head turned, and in addition to the camera, I saw my wig, and mask set out on my vanity.

Well, fuck.

"Is... is this what it looks like?"

Biting my lip, I peered up at him.

"It might be." I admitted, wary of his reaction.

In My Bed (18+)Where stories live. Discover now