Chapter 7: pilot

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(After watching so many movies and passing out overnight nathan can hear his phone going off in 6 A.M in the morning, he falls off the bed groaning and picking up the phone)

Nathan: mmmm.... Hello...? *says with a very tired voice*

Blitzo: heya champ!-

Nathan: don't call me that...

Blitzo: yea sure anyways, I need you here in the office already. We are having a meeting and I want everyone here just for the fucks of it

Nathan: uuugh, just ask your daughter to be there...

Blitz: get your ass over here or I swear to sa-!!!!

(Cutting him off by turning my phone off hanging up the phone call me and blitzo were just having.)

(He got up and started getting dressed as he walked to stolas's office hoping he was awake which he wasn't so I had to rely on the same clothes he had until he confronts him later today. Walking to the buildings and seeing the imp demons judging him and whispering to one another judging a human for being in hell)

Nathan: you all have a problem??

Imp 1: as a matter in fact yes I do kid, your not suppose to be here!

Nathan: why don't you fucking do something about it?

(The imp goes up to nathan to attempt to harm him but quickly got lifted up and slammed down onto the hard concrete which makes the imp groan in pain)

Nathan:anyone els?!

(Some imps charges at nathan as others recorded while nathan would beat them all with ease using boxing and wrestling techniques/moves)

(The imps would be a bit successful getting some hits off of nathan but it didn't matter much as it would hurt nathan but would just make him more angry and beat up the imps more and more until they felt like they are near death)

(Nathan was tired from all that fight as he looks over to the people who were recording and decided to be dumb so he think he wouldn't be taken seriously either way, Nathan takes out a can of spray paint and sprays on the imp body's saying "Nathan was here" and leaves to the IMP building that was suppose to be in an hour ago)

Nathan:*knocking on the door and goes inside* hello?

Blitzo: there you are, Where the hell have you been and what happened to you?

Nathan: i had no clothes to change into, I had to walk the entire way and I was jumped by a bunch of those little dudes because I'm a human in hell, any questions???

Blitzo: .... Sit the fuck down

Nathan: gladly *sits down on a chair beside loona*

Blitzo: Alright. Now, I know business has been... a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming any names here... *looks at Moxxie* Moxxie.

[Moxxie gives him an incredulous look in response.]

Blitzo: Now, does anyone have... any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?

Millie: *eyes sparkling* What about a car wash?

Blitzo: This is Hell, Millie. No one cares about cars being clean here, okay? *thinks for a second* Wh- Ooh! What about a billboard?

Nathan:Im surprised you guys even would have a car wash in this dumb of city

Moxxie: *rolls eyes* We can't afford a billboard, sir.

Blitzo: *wraps his arm over Moxxie's shoulder* Helpful, Moxxie. Really glad you're in the room right now. *pushes Moxxie away* Have you guys forgotten what service we provide?

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