No dick slang.

In fact... I don't know since when, She Mo's 'entanglement' with her became much less. From checking in every day to appearing in front of her every few days, the snake's tail deliberately waved twice in front of her eyes to show his presence.

Lin Youyou tried to dig out more details from the memory of Snake Mo getting along with her.

Did She Mo really like her?


In the eyes that looked at her, there was only peace and appreciation, as well as an imperceptible... apology? !

The few times she was frightened by Snake Tail and lost her temper with a white face, the apology on Snake Mo's face was particularly obvious, but she would be brave next time.

After repeating it several times, she is now a little desensitized, and she knows that the tail is just a simple sway for a few times, and will not turn into a snake head and suddenly come over to bite her.

She had seen the way She Mo stared at Lang Yun.

With a light smile and gentleness, I quietly listened to the wolf clouds.

This is the way you should look at someone you like.

She was stupid at the time, thinking that all primitive orcs were like this, a society where they could love or not like each other, and they could get together that night if they thought the other person's appearance suited their taste, and they could talk about any kind of love.

But the fact is that no matter what period of time, there will always be love and affection flowing between people.

Everyone in the animal world loves them, not to mention orcs and females who have higher intelligence.

Lin Youyou started to have random thoughts again.

This time, I wasn’t thinking about my incompatibility with the world, but why She Mo had to check in regularly.

With this question, Lin Youyou began to secretly observe the two of them.

Mo Chen on the other side knew that his perfunctory work would make the heroine suspicious.

Seeing how the heroine frequently and proactively appeared in front of him, Mo Chen thought to himself that the time has come.

He slowly showed a kind smile to the heroine, "Yuyou, do you want to make pottery together?"

Lin Youyou smiled politely in return, "Okay." She blinked, "I happen to have something I want to talk to you about alone."

On the way, she looked for an opportunity to wink at Snake Mo.

She Mo understood and pushed away Lang Yun, leaving only the two of them.

Lin Youyou was the first to speak: "1949 New China?"

Mo Chen's expression did not change.

"Different world?"

Mo Chen remained silent, and when Lin Youyou looked confused and doubted himself, he raised his eyes and motioned her to look at the sky.

The originally clear and cloudless sky suddenly had dark clouds drifting in. They were layer upon layer, extremely thick, and rolled towards me.

Lin Youyou realized something instantly.

She hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, and finally made a gesture of zippering her mouth.

Mo Chen smiled and conveyed kindness and comfort with his eyes, relaxing and nothing would happen.

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