Erron: "...Does it cost so much to make a set of this?"

Mo Chen glanced at him in surprise, "Of course it's more than this price. Three hundred thousand is just the price for my loan to you. The cost of renovating your castle is also included."

Elon: "What if we are not one and the same blood?"

Mo Chen: "If you don't want to borrow it, don't stay here anymore. Pay the room and board expenses for the past few days and get out of here with your troops."

Erron: "..." He still sent someone to find out if there was anything unusual about the craftsman's behavior in recent years. "Hey, I was joking, I was just making assumptions. Thank you for taking me in, cousin. I brought some Pie, do you want to try it?”

"Is it as delicious as yesterday?"

"It tastes even better than yesterday! The meat filling is particularly fragrant!"

"Well, indeed."

Seeing that Mo Chen was eating well and his cold and alienated feeling had weakened a lot, Eron took the opportunity to rub his hands together to find out what his relationship was with the Holy Son.

Mo Chen gnawed on the cake and replied vaguely, "It used to be a relationship between master and slave, but it doesn't matter now."

Elon: ...please touch the teeth mark on the back of your neck and say it again?

The protagonist cursed in his heart. Although he is a straight man, modern kowtow experts are very rampant on the Internet. After many years of training, he knows more about this kind of things than people from other continents.

But Mo Chen didn't want to talk to him about the Holy Son. He was very interested in the soldiers under the protagonist's command, and asked the protagonist what the conditions were for recruiting soldiers, "Cousin, I won't tell you lies. In this way, my territory will also belong to you. Guan, how about you let me take some people to fight?"

Eron looked at the bloodthirsty excitement in Blanc's eyes, thought for two seconds, gritted his teeth and agreed.

"What we face on the battlefield is life and death, but our policy is to treat prisoners preferentially and reform them. You... pay attention."

"rest assured."

Erron was worried, "You can't attack your comrades, nor can you use your words. Verbal provocation is not conducive to the unity of our comrades."

Hearing the familiar yet unfamiliar words, Mo Chen smiled and said softly: "Yes, I know."

The snow melts, the rivers flow, and new buds appear on the treetops.

Winter leaves quietly amid these changes.

The protagonist and his troops settled down in Blanc's territory and spent a good year here, but to the outside world, they acted out a drama about cousins turning against each other and fighting each other.

Erron also gradually tore away his initial impression of Blanc.

Erron had come to his senses after returning that night in the winter. The Holy See had declared that it had broken with the Violet Empire. There was no reason to interfere in the internal affairs of the empire. Was he attracting believers? No, it was the Violet Land. The people of God. But he was not prepared to be unhappy with the Holy See, so he put the matter aside for the time being and stayed in peace for a while.

They have taken over Blanc's territory without any damage, and have also harvested more than a hundred brave knights, a group of early scientists with fantastic ideas, and a wave of talented craftsmen who are good at creation... This wave of bumper harvest is enough for them to digest for a while. Although they are all loyal to Blanc, Erron firmly believes that as long as the hoe, uh, ideological education work is done well, there is no one who cannot be poached!

Only a fool would believe that such a large-scale gathering of talents under Blanc's staff could be successfully concealed for so long without Blanc not wanting to be exposed.

On the surface, it was Blanc's butler and servants who handled these trivial matters. Erron also admitted that the butler was indeed unfathomable, but how could it be simple for such a person to be entrusted to the loyal Blanc.

Fortunately, it was not too late for Erron to realize this.

After most of the winter, the relationship between the cousins has improved by leaps and bounds, and now it has reached the point where they hug each other when they meet.

Of course, Elon refused to kiss.

Without him, the look in the eyes of the Holy Son was too scary. Elon's impression of the Holy Son's original divine mercy had long since been kicked to pieces by the Holy Son himself.

Mo Chen vaguely noticed that the protagonist seemed to have created an image for him in his mind that had nothing to do with his character, and he immediately shouted at the system that he was wronged.


They are the ones slandering me!

It's all the housekeeper's gang who are causing the trouble, it has nothing to do with him!

Officer, you know this! It was the steward and his entourage who fled to him, betraying the true God they believed in, crying and begging to be his servants. He had just arrived in the small world not long ago, and his only property was an empty castle and scattered property. Several servants with their own ulterior motives, and other things and people were thrown away by the original owner. The characters were placed there. How could a lord who was accustomed to pleasure and had no brains care about so many things? There was no reason to use the servants who came to the door.

He, he, he at most just pretends to be a B in front of the housekeeper and the others. Everyone is just a small NPC cannon fodder outside the plot. Why should he reveal his true nature a little and relax? How tiring it is to act all the time.

The system silently watched little Mo Chen crying and wiping away tears with a white handkerchief in the sea of consciousness. His legs were red and he could not hold back a single tear, so he could only quietly wipe the imaginary eye drops.

"Host, there is no abnormality shown in the OOC column, you don't have to worry."

Mo Chen's face changed in a second, "You didn't tell me earlier."

I have stayed here long enough, and I have seen the Holy Son acting more and more like a stupid love-head. I am not ashamed but proud of his kicking and scolding. It's not enough that the Holy Son himself is mentally retarded. He also wrote a letter to call a mentally ill old man to come over to eat and drink, and to kneel down and pray in the direction of his bedroom every morning... The protagonist's filter on him is getting thicker and thicker.

Various visions put him in crisis.

He must be dead.

The system said there was no need to worry. The fate line was written when the shell was created. Mo Chen was destined to have a certain death. As long as he grasped the opportunity, he could successfully log out and open the next world.

This leads to the scene where Blanc wants to join the army so that he can kill people openly.

Was he trying to kill someone?


He wanted to be killed.

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