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 Stumbling out of bed you yawn walking over to your vanity deciding to get ready for a walk around the park near your house. Sitting down you look into the mirror smiling at your messy hair and eyes bags as you reach for your phone deciding to put on some music to get ready to select your favorite song. Placing your phone down you look into the mirror once more grabbing your hair brush, fixing up the mess that you would call your hair. It wasn't long before you were ready to grab your phone off the vanity as you walked out of your bedroom turning off the lights to your room.

The house you lived in wasn't too big but it was bigger than your parents house in America. They would come over and always wonder how you were able to afford everything which you would just shrug them off by changing the topic completely. It wasn't your job that made you not want to tell them it was the fact that you lived in one of the more run down town homes, which made you have to pay more for fixing all the problems but you got the house cheap at first.

Putting your house keys in your pocket you walked outside the door quickly locking it before walking off towards the park starting to play with the keys in your pocket wondering where today was going to lead you. Listening to the feet patter on the sidewalk you smile at the people you pass waving at the small children as well watching as they smile back at you. Everything was going great today making you feel like you were doing great especially since yesterday went horrible after work.

Screams rang out throughout the air as you turned the corner. Looking up you see a young child being dangled in mid air above the concrete. Suddenly time seemed to freeze as you ran towards the mad person dangling the child almost like it was worthless. Suddenly the child was dropped making you run towards it faster catching the child right before it touched the ground making yo slowly come to a stop trying to comfort the now crying child who was clinging to you.

Slightly rocking the child you look up to to see the mother frowning at you walking into the home closing the balcony doors behind her. Shaking your head you let out a sigh still softly singing lullabies to the baby who now was almost asleep. Looking at the people around you the only expression that was there was shock. They seemed to be horrified by what happened to the child that you held in your arms. It was still shocking to you as well since you couldn't comprehend why the mother would do this to her small child.

"Nice catch my lady," A voice calls out, turning around you see the blonde hero again walking towards you with a giant grin on his face. Slowly you utter out a small thank you looking back down at the sleeping child in your arms.

"What do I do now?" you ask, watching as the hero looks down at the child taking it from your arms before looking back at you with a smile on his face.

"Well we have to report this. I can handle it myself though," Chat Noir says, walking away from you still holding the child in his arms making you wonder what is going to happen to the child after this. Taking a moment to breathe you continue walking to the park ignoring the people around you at this point making you feel more conflicted than before. The child was now safe though in the hands of one of Paris' main heroes.


Taking a sip of coffee you sigh looking at the coffee in the cup as you placed it down on the table. 'How could that woman be so horrible to her child?' you think to yourself slowly shifting in your seat confused on why so many people didn't see the child hanging over the ledge. Closing your eyes you lean back in the chair holding onto the hope that the baby wouldn't go back to the crazy woman that was trying to do that to the child. You were so stuck in your own mind you didn't notice the chair in front of you was now taken by a blonde haired male who was looking at you until you heard him speak.

"Is everything alright?" He asks, looking into your e/c eyes inspecting every inch of them before looking down at your lips.

"I guess you can say that," you say in response, closing your eyes once more resting your head against the back of the chair leaving your coffee out to cool down forgetting about it completely.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really," you mumble, now looking at him in his bright green eyes. The male leans back in his chair now crossing his arms across his chest looking at you closer.

"I'm Adrien by the way," the male says, giving you a toothy grin.

"Y/n" you respond, taking another sip of your coffee watching him grip the sleeves of his white shirt. A calm silence settled between you two giving you a calming feeling as you finally forgot about the baby that was dropped.


A/N: I am going to try not to do many authors notes but i am wondering if you guys have anything or anyone that you want to be added to the story as yanderes. I will have a max of seven yanderes. Right now we have two main yanderes. ANyway thank you for reading this story. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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