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(17, 71st Hunger Games)

I take one last look at the mote, before walking towards the castle. My last ally was gone, and the reason the most innocent, the most pure one was killed was because of the careers. They will pay. The frigid winds are starting to freeze my wet dress and I can feel my lips turning blue. A great big smile graced my lips as I trudged towards the castle entrance. I can't wait for them to feel my wrath. The moon was big and bright over me and it glinted off the water droplets dripping down my face. My wet hair was tangled and hanging down my back. I finally made it to the entrance where the District 6 girl was standing guard. Kiva I think her name is. She was standing there, barely awake, with a spear in her arms. I would do anything it takes to see a big red smile on each and every one of the careers necks, and this girl would not stop me.

"Hey Kiva," I grin, a sadistic smile spreading on my face.

Stop! This isn't you! Don't do it! my inner voice told me, but I didn't listen.
"Back away," she trembled.

"Why are you with them Kiva, you know they will just kill you," I say.


I ran up to her, tackling her to the ground and clamping my hand over her mouth. Kiva was a couple years younger than me, fifteen years old. I was a little bit bigger, giving me the advantage. I was able to pin her tiny body down to the floor easily. Soft mumbles desperately tried to escape my hand, but nothing was going to save her now.

"That was very bad Kiva," I say, drawing my katana and mockingly tracing it around her face, "That was very bad."

Kiva struggled under my grip.

"Don't worry Kiva," I grin, "I'll make this quick."

My katana slips down her neck, blood splattering in my face.

What have you done?

I look down at the big, crimson smile on her neck. A cannon booms. I jump off the girl and make my way inside the castle. No rats would stop me this time.

I slowly made my way up the stairs, catching my reflection on the way. I looked insane. Kiva's blood dripped down my neck while little dots of it splattered on my face. My dress was dyed a bright red and my tangled matted hair added to the psychopath effect.

When I made it to the second floor, I began checking all the doors. I finally walked into a room with two of them in it. Marble and Paris, brother and sister. They were sleeping in a blue canopy bed, the long waves of blue fabric hanging down the sides. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.

I walked to the side of the bed, grabbing a long strand of fabric and gently wrapping it around Marble's neck. When he began to stir, I quickly yanked the string tight. Marble's eyes snapped wide open. He tried to scream for help, but his windpipe was cut off. I watched as his eyes bulged out of his head and the color drained from his face. I saw as the veins in his eyes started to pop, and a purple color slowly crawled up his neck and onto his face. The cannon finally boomed. When Paris woke up because of the noise, she didn't have time to reach her weapon. I was already on top of her and shoving my katana in her skull. A cannon went off. Weirdly, the action made me feel good. Killing made me feel accomplished. I shook my head, getting rid of the uncomfortable thought. Three down, six to go. The thought of it coming down to just me and Cole in the end made me feel sick. Hopefully he dies before it comes to that.

I exited the room, walking out into the hallway.

"Darius, Alana, Tro!" I call out in a sing-songy voice, my katana making a screeching noise as it dragged against the marble floor, "I know you're awake and I know that you know I killed your comrades."

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