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I woke up with my prep team hovering over my face.

"AHH!" I scream, rolling right out of bed.

"We're sorry! We're sorry!" Vesta helped me off the floor.

"It's- just don't do that again," I sigh, brushing my white nightgown off.

I looked up to see all three of them dabbing away tears. Right, there might not be a 'next time'. Tomorrow was the games.

"Alright," I say, trying to lighten the mood, "What time is it and what are you dressing me up as this time."

"Twelve on the dot! Which means we have six hours to prepare you? And, Remus said to give you an innocent angle because you are such a pure angel," Nero gushed, "I'm so excited, I heard the dress is gonna be-"

"Shut up, Nero," Arachne interrupted the funny looking man, "Remus also said it was supposed to be a secret."

"Oh, yes, of course," Nero smiled, sheepishly, "Follow me."

I stepped in the elevator with my prep team and pressed button '0'. The ride down was silent as I wasn't in the mood to talk. I had only gotten six hours of sleep. I stayed up late trying to figure out what I wanted to say during my interviews. The elevators slid open and we began walking down the hall to get to my prep room. My bare feet made echoing noises throughout the hall. When we got to my prep room, I was instructed to strip. When I complied, my prep team laid me down on the table.

My prep team began washing me with lavender scented soap. They scrubbed my body so there was no speck of dirt on it. Nero began with my hair, he washed it with lemon shampoo then trimmed it to perfection. Arachne shaved and waxed me to the point where my skin was raw. She then moisturized my body till it was as smooth as a baby's bottom. When I complained of my skin still burning, she smothered it in a green gel. The gel cooled down my fiery skin. Vesta filed my nails into perfect ovals, again. She then painted the tips white and added a few diamonds here and there. I watched as the gems glittered in the light.

"Are those real?" I gasp, realizing that the diamond could very well be real.

"Yes? Who do you think we are? Peasants?" Arachne cackled.

That comment brought a frown to my face.

The three buzzed capitol people sat me down in the makeup chair. My prep team first put the liquidy substance that matches my skin tone on all over my face. They called it concealer. They then brushed brown and beige pigment on my eyes. Arachne applied some rose pink colored gloss on my lips and then brushed on a blush pink colored pigment on my cheeks. Nero stroked dark brown liquid on my eyelashes, giving them the illusion of being darker and longer. Vesta brushed my eyebrows then lined them with a pencil afterwards.

"How do you like it?" Nero asked.

"It's strong, but soft. Beautiful, but natural. I like it," I smile, "Nice job."

"Let's move onto the hair," Vesta clapped her hands together, happy that I liked their work.

They curled my hair, making it hang in ringlets down my back. They then did it in a half up style. One, by one, they bustled out of the room. I hopped out of the chair, grabbing a robe off a hook on the door. Suddenly, the door swung open making me screech and drop the robe.

"Oh, it's just you Remus," I gasp, panting, "Oh my god you scared me."

I grabbed onto the table for support as I got my breathing back to its regular speed.

"Sorry I scared you," Remus helped me into the chair, my heart still racing, "I didn't know you were behind the door."

"No, I'm sorry, I'm already in the mindset of the games: be alert at all times," I place a hand on my chest, breathing in and out deeply.

"Alright, do you want to see your dress?" Remus questions me.

"Yes," I nod my head.

Remus takes the bag of the dress. My hand immediately goes to my mouth. The dress was all white and was absolutely stunning. The bodice was fitted tightly and didn't dip too low meaning my chest wasn't too greatly exposed. The sleeves were puffy and made of a tule like fabric. The skirt was made of the same fabric as the sleeves and had little silver sparkles on it.

"This is gorgeous Remus!" I exclaim, as he puts it on me.

"You will need these too," he handed me a pair of white high heels.

I slip the high heels on and follow him to the stage where Caesar was currently interviewing Cove.

"Any allies Cove?" Caesar probed him.

"Yes actually. Three of em'," he smiles.

"Who might they be?" Caesar asked.

"Reign, Aspen, and Cole," he said proudly.

"Reign?" Caesar questioned, "She didn't get a very high score, am I correct?"

I roll my eyes. Just you wait, Caesar. Just you wait.

"Well, some of you might not know this, but Reign is very smart, and stubborn too."

The crowd erupted in laughter.

"Go on."

"I've seen her. She can identify any plant or insect. She's gonna be very important when it comes to eating in the games," he says, "She also is very skilled at fire making."

"Interesting," Caesar smirks, "Sadly, we are out of time! Thank you Cove!"

Cove walks off stage, winking at me than mouthing 'your welcome.' I roll my eyes.

"Now, speak of the devil folks, up next, we have Reign Lennon!" Caesar laughs his signature laugh.

I plaster a huge smile on my face, walking out onto the stage smiling.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! You look stunning, Reign!" Caesar exclaims, pointing at my dress.

"I know, Caesar," I give a cocky grin to the audience.

They erupt into laughter.

"Very funny, very funny, Ms.Lennon," he laughs, "Now sit! Sit!"

I sit down in the plushy chair.

"Now, serious question: What is it like scoring the lowest out of all the tributes this year?" Caesar quizzes me.

"Well, Caesar, I may not have any physical strength-"

I stop myself from falling into a laughing fit.

"But, I do have mental strength. I am very smart, and remember things very easily, like Cove was talking earlier about the plants and insects," I say.

"Very interesting," Caesar commented, "You're allying with Aspen I hear?"

I nod my head.

"Well, are you emotionally ready to ally with a thirteen year old? If she does not win the games, would you be able to live through it and move on?"

Move on?! What was this sicko talking about? Would I be ready to watch a little girl die? Fuck no.

I clench my jaw tight, "Aspen is a very bright little girl. She denies it, but she's actually very skilled at using an ax. She's smart and knows how to climb even the tallest tree. She's my friend and I totally believe that she can win."

The crowd claps and cheers.

"Great, now, Reign, we are almost out of time, can you give us a twirl in that dress?" Caesar asks.

"Yes I can Caesar," I laugh.

I get up from my seat and begin to twirl. This isn't supposed to be a happy moment, as it is the night before the games, but I couldn't help but giggle. Varity and I used to twirl around the house and pretend we were princesses. Now here I am, living that dream we once had. When I stop spinning, Caesar takes my hand and plants a small peck on the back of my hand.

"Thank you Reign Lennon! Have a good night!"

The crowd cheers as I run off stage.

Tomorrow was the games. I had to get a good sleep to prepare for the long, restless nights to come. I hop in the elevator and press the button for floor 5. The world would see the real Reign Lennon tomorrow.

𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔭𝔢𝔯 ~ 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔬𝔡𝔞𝔦𝔯Where stories live. Discover now