Epilogue I: Oaklynn's Pov

Start from the beginning

"Whatever. Get your ass in the shower, and make it a quick one. We have to do your hair, find shoes, I have to pick out Holland an outfit before Dustin gets here so he can take it to him, and we have to be at the place in an hour." She gives me a pointed look, "In and out. If you're not out in twenty, I'm going to turn the hot water off." I give her a nod, jump out of bed, and run towards my bathroom. I decided during her speech that it's best to wait to get clothes. It's not like she hasn't seen me naked so I'm not too worried about when I'm done showering.

Thankfully the shower was finished in a record time because if I took longer, I would have been grouchy. When I walk out of the bathroom, I am met with a fashion disaster. There are clothes all over my room- some I've seen, others I have no clue where they came from- every kind of shoe imaginable, and a headshot of me taped to the wall.

"Ivy, love, what the hell is going on here?" I question, and she lets out a tired laugh. "Take a breather. What clothes does Holland need? I'll get them while you calm down." I tell her, and she shakes her head no.

"You two have to match. It'll be super cute, and everyone else is matching with their dates. Something one of the managers decided. She said that way no one should get into a fight by flirting with someone's partner." Ivy rambles on, and I tune out the rest of her excuse because it doesn't make sense, and the team doesn't have a female manager since the last one- before I was here- caused a scandal.

After fifteen minutes of telling Ivy that it is too cold to wear a cocktail dress, she finally settled on a pair of bootcut black jeans, a white tank top, and a semi thick cardigan. "Thank God this is over with because I would have strangled you. It's a hockey party, not a club. There is no reason to look hot." I tell her once I'm dressed, and she rolls her eyes.

"Go start curling your hair," she bosses, and starts heading out of my room, " I need to get Holland's clothes before Dustin gets here." With that, she walks out of my room, and I head into my bathroom because we only have thirtyish minutes left.

I'm halfway done curling my hair when Dustin makes his way into my room. "Hey sis, you ready for the party?" He asks, and I give him a shrug. "You'll have a lot of fun, I swear on my life." He tells me, and I nod. I don't know why everyone is so focused on making me realize how great this party is going to be. It's a party for the teams wins and loses and all the time they've put into the game, sure it's great for them, but I celebrated with them already and I'm only going because Holland went down on me and used my post orgasm fog against me.

Yes, he gave me an earth shattering orgasm, and then asked me to go to an end of year celebration with him. It's rude if you ask me, but I guess we both know that if he'd ask me like a normal person I would have said yes.

"It's time to go!" Ivy yells from the hallway thirty minutes later. "We have to be there in fifteen minutes otherwise the other girlfriends are going to make backhanded comments all night." She tells me when I am half way down the stairs. I give her a nod, because I don't really care and we all know it. Even the girlfriends who think they're all that in a can of biscuits.

"Let's get this over with. I'd rather be cuddled up with my boyfriend, watching trash movies with my friends, and making the best of the last bit of the year," I pause, letting my mind make up the words it wants to say. When I have them, I let them spill out, "Dustin and Bryce will be graduating in May, and they'll be getting real jobs leaving us behind until they're settled in. Holland, Kane, and Levi are going to be busting their asses because it'll be their last year here. You and Wren are going to be looking for internships next year. And I'll be here, finishing my school days alone because I'm the baby out of all of us and all of you will be moving on in your lives."

I have been holding in that since we started the new year. It bothers me that they're going to be leaving me behind in a few years, but this is the first time I've voiced it because it seems selfish to me, and I have no idea why I'm bringing it up now. "I'm sorry. That was such a mood kill. Forget I said anything and let's go." I tell her, and head out the front door.

Before I can walk all the way out the door, Ivy grabs my arm, "Hey, hey, hey. No, it's not a mood kill, it's valid. You have a few friends outside of us, but they'll be gone when we are." She drops her hand from my arm, and looks at the ground, "Before you got here, I thought about the fact that it'll be just Wren and I for a whole year. I never realized that it'll be the same for you as well. It sucks, but we're not going to leave you when we graduate." Her eyes get teary, and I shake my head no.

"We don't have time for a cry fest. If you want one, you'll have to schedule it with me. I've been waiting a month for you to hangout with me, but you're oh so busy." I tease, and she laughs. "Let's go before those Chihuahuas decide to attack us." She nods, and pushes me out the door playfully.

We get into her van, and head to wherever the hockey party is taking place. The whole ride we scream out the lyrics to whatever songs play. It felt good to be with her, and have a good time without the stress that's been built up. I glance at Ivy, and a smile plays on my lips. Whatever comes tonight will be forgotten about later down the road, right now will be a memory I hold on to.

Hey loves! How are you? It's been a while, and I'm sorry for that, but don't hate me yet

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Hey loves! How are you?
It's been a while, and I'm sorry for that, but don't hate me yet. One more update is coming soon.

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