He nodded "it was Yassen Gregorovish, the man with the scar. The same man that I saw in point Blanc"

"is that why you think you kept seen him, why you felt you had a connection with that man?"

"at first I though it was because of that, but then I found out more" she didn't said anything this time, it was a sign for him to continue

"About a month ago, he kidnapped me, he took me to this sort of school for assassins and told me the truth. He and my father knew each other, and my father saved his life. That was why Yassen recognize me, he saw my father in me"

"Did Yassen hurt you?" she asked. Alex could vaguely remember this being asked before but the answer remained the same

"no, he just taught me stuff" Alex responded not getting into details

"What kind of stuff, Alex? "

"It was a school for assassins, what do you think! "Alex snapped.

"I've never been to one" she said in the same tone as ever.

"He taught me how to run without getting tired, he taught me how to shoot without looking, he taught me how to survive" Alex said.

"Are you defending him, Alex?"

"what? No, he's a killer, he's the reason I have to look over my shoulder. All of this is his fault, he killed my uncle, or did you forget?" he paused "I hate him, he made me become something I didn't want to be, so no I'm not defending him"

"So, he didn't harm you, Alex?"

Alex stopped to think before shaking his head "he threatened me, he pushed me to my limits, but he didn't harm me, not directly at least" he said and it was true, Yassen never hurt him, not even when he fought him

"how did you get out?"

"I tried asking for help, but nobody came. I had to escape on my own"

The therapist stayed quiet she wanted him to continue, but he didn't want to

"I killed someone, in the end I let them mold me into someone I didn't want to be"

"and why did you do it?"

"I had no choice, she came at me, she wanted to kill me, the gun went off"

"Alex, you went through a series of traumatic events in a short period of time, but you're still your own person, don't let yourself think that they changed you, you're not a killer Alex. You've show regret, a killer does not feels that emotion. It was self defense Alex, not a murder."

Alex leaned back on the sofa he knew that what she was saying was true and he wanted to believe that, but he couldn't help but see Rothman lifeless face every time he closed his eyes.

"alright Alex, remember what I said, and keep doing your breathing exercises" she said closing her book

The session was over, but Alex didn't fell any better, and at this point he didn't know what would. He was sick of what his life had become, to living in fear, to fear your own government. In a short couple of months he had everything taken away from him and he was left with nothing but trauma.

He got up, not saying anything and went to the door "I hope to see you on our next appointment, Alex"

"yeah" he replied but he didn't even knew when it was scheduled. He open the door and got out.

Crawley was sitting on one of the sofas texting someone on his phone, looked up when Alex opened the door.

"you're done?" he asked getting up

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