Chapter 15

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Turns out that Yassen didn't leave him to his devices as he had hoped. Instead, he had walked him to a class knocking on the door.

The usual teacher opened the door, Alex was starting to think that the man taught practically everything to the others.

"Ah yes, I suppose young Alex is attending my class for today" the man instantly said when he saw them.

Yassen nodded before saying "ensure he does well"

"Right. Come in Alex" the man said to him turning his body, so he could enter. The teacher didn't follow him, turning his back around to continue his conversation with Yassen in private.

Alex stood in front of the class, all of them looking at him curiously, all of them except smug face, of course, he was looking at him with anger. He must still be salty about the warning he got from Yassen.

The door closed; Yassen had left.

"Alright, today Alex will be joining us, I'm sure you all know him. Mr. Gregorovish had an assignment." The teacher said to the others before turning to him "you can go take a seat, Alex"

The small room was pretty full, and unfortunately the only seat left was next to smug face, just his luck.

Alex made his way to the back, smug face noticing that the only vague seat was close to him.

When was sat he noticed what was being projected on the board, it was a map, a map that Alex could only assume being of the island and everything around it

"Alex, I'm afraid your time with us won't be that much productive, we are studying for an exercise that we will be doing overnight. You won't be going with us, but you can still learn how we prepare"

Alex couldn't believe his luck, first Yassen and now all the others would be gone as well. On top of it the man unknowingly would be helping him prepare his escape.

For the next few hours Alex half heard what the teacher was blaring, and half learn the layout of the map. He also took note of where they were heading, so he could take the opposite direction, he wouldn't want to cross them mid-escape.

He spent the whole time making the plan in his head, it wouldn't be easy but if he didn't take this window of opportunity, he doubted that another would come up any time soon.

It had to happen tonight.

Alex didn't care what the exercise they would do overnight, the only thing he cared is that they wouldn't go where he was planning to escape.

He now just needed the boat, and to get the tracker off his wrist. He would have to break it by force, there was no way that he could unlock it, he had tried. So he would break it.

If he didn't manage that he would just have to hope that Yassen was somewhere off grid.

They spent most of the day in that room only making a quick break for lunch and then back to the room.

Alex realizes that since he got here that was the slowest day he had. Aside from the morning run he hadn't lifted a finger.

In hindsight, it was good that he didn't do anything, it would save his energy for later, and Alex knew that he would be able to sleep for a while so if he tired himself today, his escape would be weakened

But now more than ever he could see how much Yassen way of teaching was different. They never stopped, only for his schooling.

But today they had been stuck in a classroom, Alex wondered if this was the normal or today was an exception.

It was in the middle of the afternoon when they left the room. It was time for them to go. The teacher stopped Alex when he was leaving

"Alex, you have the rest of the day off. We will be back tomorrow morning, and I promise that the lesson will be more interesting." The man didn't wait for Alex answer before following the rest.

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