Changing Tides.

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Zuko had gotten fed up with just boiling sea water for the past several hours, deciding to switch to practicing some of his firebending and airbending. At least with those he'd make any progress with getting the elements to do what he wanted. He saw Appa fly off a while ago just before he switched to using his other bending styles. Now three hours later, he sees Appa returning, circling around the city a couple of times before landing at the stables. From the position of the sun, he figures that Pakku would be returning soon to teach the beginner classes for the young children wishing to learn waterbending. While he didn't want to return to the now partially frozen pool of water, he had no choice. Walking back over to the small pool, Zuko extends his hand towards the icy slush before creating a small flame helping to melt the ice.

"So, you're the all powerful Avatar I've heard so much about." The voice of a teen around his age perks Zuko's attention but not enough to distract him from melting the ice. "A little birdie told me that you can't bend water, that's pathetic."

"Pathetic huh? I've already mastered Airbending and Firebending." Zuko responds, standing to his full height and turning to the man speaking to him. Zuko is met with a man of slightly taller stature than himself with a flat chin, hard cheekbones and long hair partially tied back in a wolf tail on the top of his head. "If you've come here to just waste your breath ragging on me then I'm only going to say this once. Piss off."

"Don't you talk to me like that." The man states indignantly, but Zuko ignores him. "Do you know who I am?"

"Someone who's wasting my time." Zuko responds, turning his back to the teen before opening a bending scroll that Katara was kind enough to give him.

"You shouldnt talk to me like that, Zuko. I'm going to be chief of the northern watertribe." the man says but Zuko once again tries to ignore him. The firenation prince shifts his weight back as he draws his hands in towards himself trying to move the water. "I'm Hahn, Chief Hahn to you."

"You Princess Yue's older brother or something?" Zuko asks feigning interest, "One of the first things you need to know as a leader is how to address people and not make yourself look stupid. If you're gonna go around introducing yourself with a title you don't have then let me play along. I'm the Earth king." He says sarcastically.

"No, I'm the one gonna be marrying her." Zuko stops what he's doing before turning to look at Hahn once more. "That's just one of the perks I'll get, and the moment I'm chief I'm gonna make this place mine."

"Feel bad for her then." Zuko says, the insult causing Hahn's face to twist with anger. "Since you're either an idiot or have ice lodged between your ears, I'm gonna say it again. Fuck off, or I'll launch you off this ledge and into the canals."

"Ha! I'd like to see you trYYYYyyyyy..." Hahn tries to say but being sufficiently fed up with the boisterous teen, Zuko shifts downwards and spins his right arm creating a massive current of air that slams Hahn in the stomach and launches him off the icy plateau and into the canals hundreds of feet below them.

"Finally, some peace and quiet." Zuko sighs before walking back over to the little hole in the ice. Not a moment after saying this to himself, he hears a set of footsteps walking up the icy stairs towards the training ground. "Before you ask Master Pakku, I haven't made any progress."

"I'm not master Pakku, prince Zuko." Yue says as she gets up to the training grounds. "I just wanted to see how it was going. I also saw you launch someone off the ledge, who was that?" She asks politely.

"Your fiance." Zuko responds, causing Yue to snicker to herself. "He decided to come bother me when I was trying to focus, insulted me then started bragging. So I threw him off the ledge. I was aiming for the canal but I'm hoping I missed."

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