Homecoming Part 3

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Ichigo POV:

As if on cue, the music shifted as we made our way back out to the gymnasium. It was a slow song with an obvious rhythm. Great for me considering I actually had no idea how to dance.

I assumed the position I'd seen in movies, with my right hand wrapped around Senna's back and my left supporting her dainty, warm hand. I was relieved to see that others in the gym were following suit. We swayed back and forth, her cheeks heating as I pulled her closer.

"Are you having a good homecoming Senna?" I asked honestly, and her eyes found mine. She couldn't feign honesty being this close.

"Yea Ichigo, I really am. I'm sorry I got upset earlier. I just really worry about you," she tucked her chin closer to my chest. "I've seen hollows and how terrifying they are. What I felt earlier was so powerful I just... I was scared."

"Senna..." She looked up to me again. "I don't want you to be afraid, but that's part of our lives as soul reapers."

"I know, and someone needs to protect the spirits. It's not like I can help fight..."


"Stay Senna." The words I'd thought about saying again and again since I met her just fell out of my mouth right then and there on the dance floor.

"What?" She whispered just loud enough where I could hear over the music.

"You're different than anyone else Senna. You're kind and selfless. You care not just about people, but also those spirits... About everyone."

I let the words sink in as she searched my face. I wondered what she was looking for this time.

"But Ichigo... You should know that there's a lot I don't remem—"

"I know," I interrupted her. "I know about the cemetery. I know about your parents. And it doesn't matter Senna. Whatever happened before doesn't matter now. I like you for the person you are right at this moment. I love the sparkle and softness in your eyes. I love seeing you in red. I love seeing you excited and laughing. I just... I want to be with you Senna."

Her face scrunched and I thought I messed up for a second, but then she threw her arms around my neck, burying her face in my shoulder.

"Oh Ichigo..." The music began to fade as she finally pulled back. "I'd love to stay with you Ichigo," she smiled the sweetest, most gentle smile I'd ever seen.

The music changed again, and squealing erupted around the quaint little bubble we'd created.

"Guys come on!" It was surprisingly Tatsuki prodding us along this time.

Senna and I turned toward the lights and danced, sneaking glances at each other and brushing shoulders as the dance floor crowded in around us. This was what I wanted. To see her smiling and laughing at herself just like this. Simultaneously letting go and being in the moment all at the same time. Feeling our bodies wave together and the thudding of bass in our chests that was indistinguishable from our racing hearts. All the while, the best part was that I knew that she wanted to be mine.

The feeling swelled in my chest, bubbling through my skin where we touched. I needed more. With bodies surrounding us and the music swelling to a climax, I brushed her curled hair behind her ear and brought her lips to mine. Her body melted to my touch, and I thought I might be the only thing stopping her from dropping on the floor in front of me right now. I swear if eyes could have actual stars in them, hers did in those precious seconds after we separated. I couldn't see anything else, but I didn't think I wanted to. They were so beautiful.

We danced and danced. Our friends came and went, but we never so much as stopped for a deep breath. It was like our own little world out there until they announced the final song. It was another slow one, and Senna's arms naturally wrapped high around my neck. She sighed, leaning her weight against me.

"Tired?" I asked next to her ear.

"Mmhm," she nodded against me.

"What about the afterparty?"

"I wanna go. I just need to rest here for a minute," she settled deeper into me.

Orihime was hosting our usual get together at her house for everyone after the dance. I was pretty tired myself, but if Senna wanted to go, I'd obviously attend too.

By the time the gym lights flipped back on, our sizable group had already assembled. Rukia and Renji were back, and there were a few additions of acquaintances from some of Senna's classes.

"Everyone ready?" Orihime asked, already leading the way out.

"Here, take this. It's cold out there." I shrugged my jacket off and pressed it toward Senna.

"It's okay. You'll be cold," she brushed me off.

"I have long sleeves Senna. Take it." I didn't wait for a reply this time. I draped the jacket over her shoulders, and she smiled.

"So warm..." She blushed without reservation this time.

I hung behind Senna on the walk, allowing her to chat with friends. Renji and Rukia had an earful for me anyways, considering I didn't stay to help clean up the mess from the Menos. I didn't care though. Nothing could bring me down from this high.

At least... I thought so. 


Oh no, a cliffhanger?!

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