Day 5: Brie

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Ichigo POV:

I didn't get to see her off to Orihime's place that night because Rukia and I were quite busy distracting hollows. When we were done with about the third round, I swung by Orihime's to check on her, and I was happy to see that nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Being utterly exhausted, I texted Tatsuki to make sure someone saw Senna home. Turns out that wasn't necessary, as the girls were planning a sleepover.

I went to bed with a smile that night knowing Senna and the girls were getting along, and that she had a fun night and hopefully an affordable dress, ahead of her.

The next day..

"So, what do you think I should wear?" I held two different button-ups, one white, one black, up to my chest.

"I told you... It depends on what she wears," Rukia commented impatiently.

"But I don't know what she's gunna wear!"

"Then ask, Ichigo! Just ask her on Monday if she's wearing one of the girl's dresses... Oh yea, and you also might want to think about actually asking her to the dance before you get too into this," she held her hands up.

"Ugh.." My head found my hands.

"You really haven't thought this through at all, have you?"

That wasn't true. I hadn't thought about anything else the entire weekend.

"I'm just no good at this Rukia. I haven't been to a dance since freshman year."

"It's fine Ichigo. You're right, she deserves this. At least this once." Her words actually warmed my heart. "Plus, it's kinda nice to see you nervous for a change," she giggled.

And there went that feel-good feeling from Rukia...

My hands were shaking for the entirety of the next school day. I didn't have anything extravagant planned, which I hoped was okay. Senna and I followed our daily routine, and I found out that she had indeed found a dress from the girl's collection. I also learned that it was red, which was some of the most helpful information I'd gathered today.

I somehow got to the lockers before Senna and was flipping through missed text messages when I sensed a presence approaching in front of me.

"Hey," I started, but then jumped when I looked up to someone who was definitely not Senna.

"Oh hey, Kirimi."

God, I hoped that was her name...

"Hi Ichigo. Hey, uhm.. I heard that you haven't asked anyone to the dance yet. I—I was wondering..."

I'd already stopped paying attention to the girl I hoped was named Kirimi. Senna was standing right behind her, eyes wide. She must've heard everything. Something unexplainable pulled my chest as Senna turned on her heels and headed out the door without a second glance.

"Oh, uhm.. Kirimi is it? I'm sorry, I actually have a date to the dance already. I uhh.. I have to go," I rushed off, yelling a quick apology.

"Senna!" I was the one running once again. She'd made it surprisingly far; she must've been in a rush to put some distance between her and the uncomfortable scene she just witnessed.

"Hey! Senna," I finally caught her by the shoulder.

"Ah, Ichigo," she smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Why didn't you wait?"

"Well, I mean... You looked busy. I didn't want to interrupt," she looked down. "But, I'm happy for you. Kagome's really cute."

I sighed. "So... Her name's not Kirimi?"


"Heeh... Senna," I stopped, and she turned to face me. "I'm not going to the dance with her. I turned her down."

She looked up at me, a question forming on her lips before I continued. "I turned her down, because there's someone else I'd rather take to the dance."

"O—Oh," there were countless emotions swimming in her eyes. Confusion, disappointment, and maybe even the faintest spark of hope.

"Senna, I was wondering if you would like to be my date to the dance."

I watched her lips part, but her words failed.

"I think it would be fun to go together. That and, well, I want to make sure you have the best homecoming experience possible here at Karakura."

"I—Ichigo I... I'd love to go to the dance with you." I'm not sure how it was possible, but she was smiling wider than I'd ever seen. The radiance made it all the way through her eyes and poured out to me. Before I knew it, her arms were reaching around my shoulders and her chin found its way to the crook of my neck. I hugged her back willingly, the butterflies in my stomach matching the light laughter that was now close to my ear.

"Thanks for asking me. That's really sweet," she said when we finally parted.

"Of course," I still smiled. "So, where to now?"

"Home, I guess. I don't work tonight." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Hmm, how about dinner then?" I suggested.

"Dinner? You should've started with that! I couldn't have said no then!" She laughed as I led the way to a quaint little Italian restaurant called Brie

"I know I should've planned something more special, but I don't know... I'm not very good at this sort of thing," I said as we sat at our table.

She shook her head. "No, I think it was perfect. I wasn't expecting to get a date to the dance anyway, so it was a pleasant surprise."

"I just want to make sure you have a good time," I smiled.

"I will. I know I will," she bubbled right back.

Dinner went off without a hitch, and I was pleased to figure out the exact shade of red Senna's dress was so I could work on matching. Though, frustratingly, she wouldn't show me a picture of the entire ensemble. I swiped the check against her protests, but I was nice and let her leave our waitress a hefty tip per her request.

We talked just as fluidly on our walk back to her place as before. I was relieved to know that not much seemed to change in our relationship despite her now being my date to the dance. And you know, maybe I would've been a little nervous about our goodbye when we got to her place, but it turns out the hollows had other plans.

Buzz buzz... I'd made an exception to my rule and turned the phone on vibrate for the duration of Senna and I's date. I rolled my eyes, pulling out the device.

"Is it a hollow?" Senna asked, touching her chest like she could already feel the turbulent energy in the air.

"Looks like it," I slid the phone back in my pocket. "It's on the other side of town, but listen to me. Go right home, okay? Be safe."

She nodded. "I will. You too Ichigo. Be safe."

"I'll see you tomorrow." I gifted her one last smile before taking off toward the scanner's spike point.


Ahhh! He finally did it! XD

Scarlet Love: Unforgettable Memories of NobodyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora