Day 1: Like meeting an old friend...

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Ichigo POV:


Why does that name sound so familiar?

And this red ribbon...

Why was I so sure it belonged to her?

My right foot flipped around, being directed by a strange tugging in my chest.


It sounded like me.

"Hey! Your ribbon!"

But I really didn't know if it was hers.

The few girls walking nearby turned, but only her autumn eyes found mine.

"Oh!" She started running with child-like abandon toward me, and I instinctively braced for impact. I didn't know if she could stop before knocking me into the street.

"Geez, I'm sorry!" She skidded to a stop, smiling widely and running her hands through her hair. "It's really windy today, isn't it?"

My chest relaxed to her sing-song voice, holding out the ribbon. "Y-yea I guess so."

She lifted the ribbon from my hand. "You're... Ichigo, right?" I was jarred by her recognition and the rush of energy when our fingers touched. It seemed so familiar to me, like I'd known her my whole life.

"Yea, actually... How'd you-"

"We go to school together dummy," she joked, tapping my shoulder.

"Course," I rubbed the back of my head instinctively. "Sorry, you're-"

"Senna," she smiled.

I knew it... But how? Despite what she said, I don't ever remember seeing her around, and I knew for a fact that I'd never officially met her. I would've remembered someone with such unique energy, I was sure.

"You're going this way, right?" She asked, pointing across the bridge.

"That's the plan," I breathed out.

"We better go then. It'll be dark soon," she glanced at her watch.

I nodded and led the way, being sure to take her side closest to the road. Strange how those lessons Dad taught stuck in my head at times like these.

"So, Senna, did you transfer recently?" My curiosity flared.

"Uhm, yea actually. It hasn't been too long," she finished tying her hair back in a bow. Her answer was vague, but I couldn't ask much more without admitting that I'd never seen her.

"How do you like it?" I wondered.

"It's nice," the sides of her lips curled as she looked ahead. "I think it's homey. What about you?"

"I've lived here my whole life. My dad has a clinic just across the bridge here."

"Oh, I bet you have lots of friends then." I couldn't say I was very good at detecting this sort of thing, but I thought a heard a hint of melancholy in her tone.

"Well, I wouldn't say that," I scratched the back of my head.

She looked up to me with doe eyes. Nope. Definitely didn't imagine that she was upset.

How'd I manage to do that?

"Maybe I can introduce you guys at school," I suggested.

"Really? You'd really do that for me Ichigo?!" She was practically skipping now.

Scarlet Love: Unforgettable Memories of NobodyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora