Chapter 10.

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-He observed her with something akin to fascination as her eyelids fluttered slowly, and the haze of drowsiness clouded her gaze. Her attention was fixed on something beyond his presence, even though he stood directly before her. It was as if her eyes had become a void, oblivious to his imposing presence.

His curiosity was piqued, and the passing of time became a blur as he waited for a spark of concentration to finally ignite in her eyes.

Then, like a sudden burst of light, her focus rekindled, and she blinked.

Their eyes locked in a mesmerizing encounter, where his deep, probing gaze met her captivating golden stare. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of amusement as he tightened his grip on her clothing, ever so slightly. Her lips hesitated, parting slightly before closing, a sudden spark of recognition igniting in her eyes.

His lips curled into a wicked, triumphant grin. She knew of him, it seemed.

In the blink of an eye, he found himself sprawled on his back, on the other side of the forest, a throbbing ache in his jaw resonating through his being. It took him a few seconds to realize what had just transpired.

Had he...

Had he just received a punch...?-


Waking up with a pounding headache was definitely not part of the plan, but she knew how to kick that discomfort to the curb. What did throw her for a loop, though, was the memory gap from the previous night, and the fact that her phone resembled anything but a phone. Hell, she didn't even remember going to sleep at all.

Oddly enough, she sensed an unsettling undercurrent, like a feeling of wrongness she couldn't quite pinpoint. Strangely, it was as if something long-lost had resurfaced, and those oddly familiar sensations were stronger than ever - though surprisingly not as bothersome as expected.

She chalked it up to her powers acting up, thinking the Higher-Ups were probably messing with her again - a common occurrence in her life at this point. Somehow, her feelings were being played with, not that she could do anything about it. She fixed her phone and glanced at the time. Seemed she had plenty of time before meeting up with Nobara; maybe whipping up breakfast was in order today.


Megumi found himself thoroughly puzzled.

The day had started like any other - the usual morning drill of waking up, brushing his teeth, and hitting the shower. Those quiet early hours at school were a rare escape from Gojo-sensei's nonsense, offering a moment of peace. Today was even better because he'd successfully dodged his teacher and was in a pretty good mood as he headed for the cafeteria.

As he got closer, a mouthwatering smell grabbed his attention. It was weird since the second years were all out on a month-long mission, and Okkotsu-senpai was overseas. The delicious and salty aroma in the air pretty much ruled out Gojo-sensei's involvement. Intrigued, Megumi quickened his pace and was taken aback by the sight of the foreigner, Colith-san, standing by the stove, busy cooking.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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