Chapter 9.

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Sukuna was an insufferable jerk, and Gojo was a fucking brat.

Seriously, they both deserved an ass-whooping at this point. Sukuna because the douche was running his mouth like nobody's business as if I had done him the greatest offense known to man, and Gojo because the asshole refused to give me a seal, electing to enjoy the drama rather than doing his fucking job.

It was only through sheer force of will that I refrained from slapping the mouth right off his face on many occasions during our trip back to Tokyo Metropolitan Juju-whatever, Jujutsu High.

"When I take hold of this body, I'll have my way with you, woman," he said, "make sure of it." Yuji had an ashamed expression on his face throughout the day, and it turned into downright mortification upon hearing that. Even Gojo's smile dropped.

"Wow, I don't think that's the best way to get ladies, Ryomen Sukuna."

"Silence, sorcerer! I will speak of what's mine however I wish. You had better stay out of it if you value your pathetic existence."

The most confusing part about his claim was that he seemed so certain about it. I nearly gave in to the urge to obliterate him right then and there, but realized that I would mostly hurt Yuji instead. So, I quickly calmed down and focused on the path ahead.

Although being insulted and threatened wasn't uncommon at this point in my life...lives? I had built an immunity to them over the years. Most of them came from fiends I couldn't have cared less about, so they rarely got to me. Unless they were directed towards someone I cared about, in which case I'd go full apeshit, no questions asked.

Glancing at the foliage as we climbed the stairs to the school, mostly so Yuji could memorize the path used when need be, I was set on ignoring him, fully knowing that he was hoping to get a reaction from me though I was too stubborn to give in. No seriously, he keeps talking shit about 'betrayals' and other stuff that mostly flew over my head.

Could this actually be my punishment for not preventing this key point in the plot from happening? For leaving Yuji between Sukuna's clutches knowing full well that I could've easily taken care of the situation? If that's what I get for leaving the plot alone then I want a refund.

"So, Otaku-chan, didn't know you were married!" Gojo said suddenly, cutting Sukuna off mid-threat-at this point, it was becoming background noise. I perked up, looking at my left hand in wonder, not noticing the way Yuji suddenly sighed in relief.

"I'm not," I replied uncertainly, wiggling my fingers. "I'd remember if I was. Must be a trinket I can't get rid of, not that I mind. Keeps people away." Granted that some men were quite persistent in regards to asking me out even after seeing the ring, having it didn't bother me in the slightest. I was about to add something when I paused.

'Huh, this silence...wait- SILENCE-' I turn to Yuji only to see a seal glued to his forehead. My jaw dropped.

"Yeah, he was getting annoying. No need to thank me." I clenched my jaw in aggravation, refraining from punching that smug grin off of his face. "Oh, by the way Yuji, you have an interview with the principal. If you mess up, you might get rejected, so do your best, okay?"

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