Chapter 3.

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Colith found herself standing before the hospital, where the chilly air hinted at a possible November or December. As she gazed at her surroundings, she couldn't quite place the familiar art style. However, a clever idea crossed her mind – why not check the date first? Her phone had the handy ability to automatically adjust to the timeline of the universe she was in, which could provide valuable clues to narrow down her options.


Well, that's...interesting?

Her birthday already passed. She's 27 now. She thinks. Yiiish, everything's so confusing with the whole shifting realities that she lost count of her age! She could be a thousand years old for all she knew!

'you know what? Let's just roll with 27. Yep.'

Moving on, how many animes aired in 2017 anyway?


Quite a lot actually.

"Y'all are seriously serious about not telling me shit?"

As the sun started its descent, she looked upward, but there was no response to her question.

Letting out a groan of frustration, she resolved to wander around instead. Perhaps during her walk, she would come across something familiar or recognize a landmark? Besides, it presented a perfect chance to explore modern Kyoto, an opportunity she didn't want to miss. After all, the Heian period lacked certain modern conveniences and sights that intrigued her.

'Wait, Heian...?'

Coming to a sudden stop, she caught the attention of a few passersby, who briefly glanced in her direction before quickly turning away, absorbed in their own lives. No one bothered to inquire why the Gaijin woman stood in the middle of the street, wearing a noticeable frown on her face.

'huh...I think I meant to say Taisho. Yeah, Taisho! That's the only period I've witnessed!' She shook her head, massaging her temple with a little frown. 'ugh, this is so confusing tho.'

Despite her evident confusion, she decided to search for 'Heian' on Google anyway. To her discovery, it was indeed an era in Japanese history that lasted—

'400 Years?! Well damn!'

In a state of surprise, she blinked and swiftly regained her composure. Japanese history wasn't her forte, so she shrugged off the incident and continued exploring the surroundings. Nevertheless, there was a persistent sensation that connected her to that specific word. It intrigued her because it was the first thing that came to her mind, even though she remembered experiencing the Taisho period last time. At least, that's what she believed.


Her stomach growled suddenly, startling her into focus.

'Hm. That's odd...'

With a hand placed on her stomach, she noticed a faint pang of hunger. It had been quite some time since she had experienced this sensation, but she understood it as a sign of her body recovering and expending energy to return to a somewhat normal state. Although she didn't feel entirely at her best, she considered that a hearty meal might help resolve the issue. Alternatively, she could reset everything, but that option seemed far less appealing; where's the excitement in that? Besides, food was calling out to her.

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