"Whatcha got there? Is it for me?" Two-bit said and she climbed into the warm car, closing the door behind her.

"Maybe," she said secretly, trying to hide the tag that did say it was for him. Maeve made sure she put her seatbelt on when the car started moving, slightly sliding due to the ice.

"What did Rose think of her gift?" Two-bit's little sister Rose had decided that she was going to be a ballerina, so for Christmas he got her a pink tutu, and some pink shoes to go with it. He had talked to Maeve about it and asked for her help, not knowing 'what the hell to get an eight year old girl'.

"Oh she loved it, she was still prancing around the house when I left. She's not real good at it though, nearly crashed into the tv once. Good thing she didn't take it down with her or else I wouldn't be able to watch my cartoons now that Darry stopped letting me come over first thing on Saturdays."

"Well I'm glad she liked it," she said amused. Turing to look at the icy roads ahead, the whole world seemed to be covered with a white snowy blanket. Kids were outside playing in the snow along with cold, reluctant parents. She liked looking at all of the snowmen as they passed by, some with hats and scarves, one with a kitchen knife taped to its twig arm.

"So how's that girl you went out with the other night? What was her name again?" She asked, turning to look at him. He didn't seem to hear her, instead his eyes were sharply trained on the road ahead. A startling angry look on his face that contrasted the cheerful conversation taking place.

"Two? You alright?"

"There's a squirrel," he said in a hushed tone as if he didn't want it to hear him from inside the car.

"What? Where– oh I see it." The brown furry creature stood in the middle of the road, sticking out against the blinding white background.

He gripped the steering wheel tighter, eyes focused on the squirrel in front of them. "No. Don't do it." She tried to dissuade him, but it was no use. You see, Two-bit had extreme, and frankly quite concerning, hate for squirrels. When Maeve first heard about this she laughed, thinking it was a joke. It was not. No one knows why he despises them so much, the only reasoning he will give is that as a young child something traumatic happened to him concerning squirrels, and ever since then, he loathes them.

He proceeded to slam on the gas, speeding directly towards the poor creature. And since he sped up so quickly, the car started to slide on the icy road. "Two-bit stop! You're going to kill it and us!"

He didn't acknowledge her, now trying to keep the sliding car on the road and headed towards the squirrel. Maeve gripped the seats as though they would save her, not only fearful for the squirrel's life, but her own. I am never getting in the car with him again.

All of the sudden, the car started spinning, turning them directly in front of a tree that they were now headed for. Maeve closed her eyes and started praying, now regretting not paying much attention in church.

The sound of screeching tires filled the air and she could feel the car jerking as Two-bit tried to steer them in the other direction. She braced for impact, fearing that she was going to die by Two-bits foolishness, on Christmas Eve.


Maeve slammed the door.

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