Chapter Eight

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"Please don't ever become a stranger," -New Years Day, Taylor Swift

Maeve squinted as the afternoon sun hit her eyes. You'd think that because the sun was out, it would be warmer—nope. The mid-November breeze chilled Maeve as she walked down the street to the DX. It was 3:30 pm, and school had just let out.

She was planning on doing her homework and studying for tomorrow's math test at the DX. She liked to go on the days when Sodapop and Steve were both working—and when their overly flirty co-workers were not. They never seemed to take a hint.

As she walked towards the building, two giggling girls stood by a blue convertible. They kept glancing towards the building, seemingly waiting for something, their laughter quieted as Maeve walked past them, the door chiming as she opened it.

She spotted Sodapop behind the counter. The DX had a counter with bar stools and a beat up old fridge with drinks for the workers.

"Oh, hey Maeve. I didn't know you were coming by," Soda said, seeming happy that he had something to do other than wait for customers.

"Yeah, I figured I'd do my homework here—it's just you and Steve today, right?"

"Yeah, Steve's out back working on a truck," Soda replied, pointing towards the back door.

"Thank god," she said, setting her backpack down and stepping behind the counter to get something out of the fridge, "I don't think I could deal with what's his face trying to ask me out for the fifth time."

"Hey, those are for people who work here," he said, referring to getting a cola out of the fridge.

She gave him a look that suggested she could care less and hopped up on the counter to continue, "You're lucky you don't have to deal with school because math is killing me—I have a test tomorrow and I'm pretty sure I'm going to bomb it."

"Well I would offer you a job here, but I don't think Mr. Nolan would let a girl work here," he said jokingly.

"I appreciate it, but I think I'll stay in school," she said, humoring him and finally sitting down to do her work.

Just then, the door chime rang once again, and the two pretty girls from outside walked in. They gave Sodapop smiles, but when they noticed Maeve sitting there they seemed very annoyed by her presence.

"Hey ladies, what can I do for you," said Sodapop, giving them the charming smile he uses to woo girls. Maeve rolled her eyes and turned back to her work.

"Hey Sodapop, my car has been making a funny noise, and I was wondering if you could maybe check it out," said one with long black hair.

"I sure can, do you know where the noise is-"

"SHIT!" Yelled Steve from the back garage, followed by a concerning sputtering noise. Now, Maeve wasn't a mechanic, but she knew that cars should not be making that noise.

Soda glanced at the girls nervously before turning towards the door.

"You alright in there, Steve?" He yelled. In response came more loud cursing.

The girls looked concerned and a little scared at the commotion, whereas Soda looked embarrassed.

Steve then trudged into the room covered in oil and grease, clearly not aware of the customers until now.

"Oh—uh," said Steve awkwardly, before trying to switch to flirting, "good afternoon ladies, is there anything I could help you with?"

"They were having a bit of trouble with their car. I was going to check it out for them," he said to Steve before lowering his voice, "what is going on in there?"

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