Chapter Ten

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"Look into his angeleyes one look and your hypnotized, he'll take your heart and you must pay the price"- Angeleyes, ABBA

It was a cold and cloudy Sunday afternoon, and despite the many people that believed that sunshine was so much better than gloomy, dark days, Maeve thought differently. She liked the rain and clouds, and would argue that it made the world seem so much more quiet and peaceful. Well, she would argue that if it wasn't so dreadfully cold outside, that she was almost glad to be confined to her room, instead of outside wishing for the sun's rays.

After the "incident" at school last Tuesday, she was grounded for an indefinite amount of time. Despite Maeve's protests to her mom that it wasn't her fault and she wasn't the one who pulled the fire alarm, it didn't work. Actually it backfired on her in a way, sparking the topic of  'the people she associates with,'and how 'she really needs to get new friends'.

Of course, she defended her "perfectly fine" friends, and her mom responded by reading off the headlines the gang, (mainly Dally), had made in the past. If she wasn't so angry, she may have been impressed her mom had recalled all of that from memory.

All of that led to Maeve being as she was now, laying in bed, reading a cheap romance novel with a very suggestive cover she had gotten from the drugstore. The window was closed due to the frigid winds, so the comforting smell of cigarette smoke and flowery candles was stronger than usual in her bedroom.

Finally getting tired of the Duke and his fair maiden's love story, she put her book down, feeling as though she would die of boredom if she had to spend one more second in the house.

She worked up the courage to test her luck with her mom, figuring her situation couldn't get much worse.

As she walked out of her bedroom and into her moms', the radio filled the room with quiet music as her mom folded clothes on her bed.

"Hey mom, whatcha doing?" she asked.

"Just folding clothes," her mom replied.

"Nice," she said awkwardly, "so I was wondering if maybe I could go to Bernard's? I wanted to talk to Mrs. Norris about a book I was reading."

Her mom looked a bit annoyed.

"Yeah, just be back before dinner," her mom relented, still folding clothes. At the mention of dinner, it reminded her of Curtis' house. On Sundays it was Soda's turn to cook, meaning there would probably be some mashed potatoes dyed a fun color. Sunday was also the day the gang usually got together to play football in the backyard and sometimes stay for dinner.

"Also could I maybe... go to the Curtis' for dinner?" Maeve said, bracing for what her mom would say. She finally stopped folding clothes, turning to look at her.

"Maeve, you're grounded. That means you can't go over to your friends houses,"

"I know, but it would just be for dinner, and I really need to talk to Ponyboy about school stuff," she reasoned, the last part not being entirely true. She gave her mom puppy dog eyes, her mom shooting back an annoyed mom look.

Finally she sighed. "Fine. You can go. But I want you back by 9:00, you hear me?"

"Yes, I won't be late, thank you!" she said excitedly, before running back to her room to get ready.

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