Dance of farewell

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Neha's return to Delhi was bittersweet. She was just three days away from the Dancing Legends competition, a stage she had longed to grace. As she walked to the dance class, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. The familiar streets, the sound of traffic, and the scent of street food vendors all felt like a warm embrace. But there was something missing-a piece of her heart that she had left behind.

She looked around the room and saw everyone laughing at some joke. But Ashok was sitting in the corner by himself, looking lost.

Neha's heart went out to him. She knew how he felt. She had been feeling the same way since her parents had forced her to get engaged to Dev. The glimmering reminder of her commitment to Dev, the boy her parents had chosen for her. It was a symbol of the dreams she had left behind, the love that was now lost.

Ashok saw her, and their eyes met. In that moment, a song of mild sadness played in the depths of their hearts. He rushed toward her, his face beaming with happiness, but Neha stopped him before he could hug her. She held up her left hand, displaying the ring. Ashok's expression turned to one of shock and disbelief.

"I came back for the competition," Neha said.

Ashok nodded. "Of course," he said. "I should have known."

They stood there, staring at each other in silence. Neha finally broke the quiet with a soft and tearful voice, "Ashok, I couldn't come here without this."

He couldn't find the words to respond, but his eyes held a plea that spoke of unspoken emotions. He managed to ask her a simple question, "Can we dance, one last time, together?"

Suddenly, the world around Neha started to disappear. She found herself in a magical world.

The sky was a brilliant blue, and the grass was a lush green. There were flowers of all shapes and colors everywhere.

Neha looked around in amazement. She had never seen anything like it before.

They began to dance to an emotional song, one that had always touched their hearts. Each step they took was like a word in an unspoken conversation. They moved with a grace and harmony that only two souls deeply connected could achieve.

Then Neha and Ashok walked through the magical world, hand in hand. They talked and laughed, and they enjoyed each other's company.

As the sun began to set, Neha and Ashok found a secluded spot. They sat down on the grass and watched the sunset together.

"It's so beautiful," Neha said.

"It is," Ashok said. "But it's not as beautiful as you."

Neha smiled. "Thank you, Ashok," she said.

Neha and Ashok leaned in and kissed. It was a kiss full of love and passion.

After the kiss, Neha and Ashok stood up and started to dance. They danced to the song that had played when they first met.

They danced with all their hearts. They danced like there was no tomorrow.

As they danced, Neha felt happier than she had ever felt in her life. She knew that she was in love with Ashok, and she knew that he loved her too.

As the song ended, Neha and Ashok embraced. They held each other tightly, and they didn't want to let go.

"I'll never forget you," Ashok said.

"And I'll never forget you," Neha said.

As they approached the final moments of the dance, Ashok's voice, a whisper that cut through the silence, brought her back to reality. "Neha, where are you lost?"

Neha shook her head. "I don't know," she said. "I must have been dreaming."

"Well, wake up," Ashok said. "We have a competition to prepare for."

The team of dancers in the studio invited both of them to join the group for the final practice. They explained that they had been preparing for the competition, and Neha and Ashok, despite their personal problem, were an essential part of the team.

Neha's engagement ring glistened as she wiped away a tear. She knew that she couldn't break her commitment to Dev or the wishes of her parents. But as they danced with the team, the pain and sorrow of their lost love melted away, if only for a fleeting moment. In the dance, they found solace, a shared language of emotions that transcended their unspoken words.

The clock was ticking, and the Dancing Legends competition was just around the corner. As they moved in harmony with the team, Neha couldn't help but wonder if the stage, where she had found her passion and love, would bring her closure or open a new chapter in her life.

"Don't you feel sad, Ashok?" She asked.

"I feel like broken into pieces but as long as you are happy, it is all well and...fine," he said and looked away.

She couldn't hold but go and hug him. What life had ahead for them they didn't knew.

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