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The wedding had come to a joyful end, but for Neha, the happiness was short-lived. As she returned home that evening, her parents' disapproval hung heavy in the air. Their shock at her impromptu proposal was replaced by anger and disappointment. Neha had defended her actions at the wedding, telling her parents that she had felt a deep connection with Ashok and couldn't bear to hide her feelings any longer. She thought love was worth celebrating, but her parents didn't see it that way.

"How could you humiliate us like this, Neha?" her father roared, his face a storm of anger.

Neha, tears in her eyes, retorted, "I'm sorry, but I had to be true to my feelings. I love Ashok, and I wanted to share that love with everyone."

Her mother, equally incensed, snapped, "Love? Ashok? Do you even know what kind of man he is? We can't have him in our family."

Frustration and confusion clouded Neha's eyes as she asked, "But what is it about Ashok that bothers you so much? What is the actual problem?"

Sitting her down, her parents finally disclosed the reasons for their animosity. They recounted the rickshaw incident with Ashok and the day he had pushed Neha's mother. They told Neha how her father had suffered in the bitter argument with Ashok.

Neha listened, torn between loyalty to her parents and her own beliefs. She didn't know that Ashok was the man behind the rickshaw drama, but even then, she had never found him to be a bad person. Her defense of Ashok only fueled her parents' anger.

"Neha," her father said sternly, "we are ready to accept anyone as our son-in-law, but not that Ashok."

To divert her from the conversation, they presented an offer that seemed too good to resist. They had received an invitation for Neha to perform in Delhi at the Dancing Legends competition, where the top Indian dancers would compete. It was a golden opportunity, and they encouraged her to seize it.

However, there was a condition attached: she had to leave for Delhi as soon as possible, leaving behind her life in the city. It was a choice that would take her away from Ashok, and her parents had cleverly manipulated her into making it.

Neha, conflicted and torn between love and family, took the deal as the pressure mounted. She felt it was the only way to appease her parents and fulfill her dreams of dancing on a grand stage.

The next day, Ashok received a call from Neha. He could hear the trembling uncertainty in her voice as she asked, "Ashok, why did you do all that drama with my parents?"

Ashok sighed, his voice heavy with regret. "Neha, the day I met your father, I was still reeling from a breakup with my ex-girlfriend. It was a humiliating experience. And when I met your mother, I had faced so many rejections that I couldn't help but react out of frustration."

Neha listened intently, her heart aching for Ashok as he revealed the painful truth about his past. "I had no idea, Ashok. I'm so sorry."

Ashok, his voice gentle, said, "Neha, you need to know that I love you. I've never felt this way with anyone else. Our connection is something I can't ignore, and I don't want to lose you."

There was a silence on the line, and then Neha finally spoke, her words weighted with resignation. "I'm going to Delhi, Ashok. They want me to leave tomorrow."

Ashok was taken aback, the shock rippling through him. "Tomorrow? Neha, I didn't expect this. What are you going to do?"

Tears filled Neha's eyes as she replied, "I have to go, Ashok. I don't want to, but I don't know what else to do. I love you, Ashok, but right now, it feels like I have no other choice."

Their conversation ended with a heavy sense of helplessness and a heart-wrenching farewell. Ashok was left standing alone in his room, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events. The woman he loved was being torn from him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

As Neha prepared to leave for Delhi, the chasm between her love for Ashok and the demands of her parents seemed insurmountable. The Dancing Legends competition in Delhi promised a brilliant future for her, but it also meant leaving behind the man who had ignited a passionate love in her heart.

With Neha's departure imminent, a cloud of uncertainty loomed over their love story. The future held unanswered questions

Will they get together or this was the end?

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