Lost in Memories and love

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Ashok's world had been shattered, and he was adrift in a sea of memories, caught in the undertow of his heartbreak. His girlfriend had dumped him just as he had prepared to propose. That night at the party, the girl he had planned to marry had slipped through his fingers. And now as he saw this beautiful girl at a wedding he was not even invited to, he thought God has given him another chance. But....

However, that wasn't the end of his encounter with the mysterious man from the rickshaw who wanted to share rickshaw with Ashok as he was in hurry. As Ashok reluctantly entered the lively wedding, the same man appeared, his eyes widening in recognition. Ashok had shouted at him, and the embarrassment flooded back. Without a second thought, he turned and fled from the wedding, thinking he will never to see that girl again.

Ashok's life became a monotonous cycle of work and solitude. He couldn't help but dwell on the happy memories he had shared with his ex-girlfriend. There was that time at the mall when they had played every arcade game they could find, laughing and competing until they were breathless. He fondly remembered the thrill of their horror ride, her hands clutching his arm in fear, and then their shared laughter afterward.

But as the weeks turned into a month, Ashok knew he couldn't stay mired in the past forever. It was time to move on, to find a new chapter in his life. The pain still lingered, but he had to let go of the memories of his ex-girlfriend and seek a new beginning.

With a heavy heart, Ashok decided to try his luck on a dating app, hoping to find someone who could mend the cracks in his heart. He created a profile on Tinder and swiped through countless profiles. Then, he stumbled upon a match that seemed promising. She was beautiful, with a warm smile in her profile picture.

Excitement surged through Ashok, and he quickly initiated a conversation. However, as the days passed, he began to notice inconsistencies in her stories. Something didn't feel right. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being deceived.

Determined to unveil the truth, Ashok suggested a video call. When the call connected, the face on the other end wasn't the one he had expected. It was a stranger who looked startled by the unexpected video chat. In a fit of anger and frustration, Ashok held up a knife to the camera, threatening the stranger to reveal the truth. The person on the other end stammered, insisting they were not the person in the profile picture. It was a scam, and Ashok had fallen right into the trap.

Ashok hung up the call, feeling a mixture of anger and foolishness. He couldn't believe he had been so naive. It was another bitter disappointment in a life that seemed determined to keep him down.

Desperate to escape his heartache, Ashok turned to social media in search of old friends from his school and college days. He hoped that reconnecting with old acquaintances might bring a sense of nostalgia and comfort. But what he found was a stark contrast to his own struggles. Each profile he came across was filled with happy pictures, success stories, and an air of contentment. It felt as though the entire world was celebrating while he was drowning in sorrow.

Frustration and loneliness continued to gnaw at him, pushing him to the brink of despair. Ashok knew he needed to find a way out of this dark tunnel of self-pity. One evening, as he scrolled through Instagram, a familiar name from his past appeared as a suggested friend. It was Anjali, a girl he had known from his college days. He thought that this was his kuch kuch hota hai moment.

Anjali had always been kind and had a reputation for being understanding. Ashok messaged her, and they decided to meet up for a cup of coffee. He had hope that this might be a turning point in his life.

As they sat across from each other, Ashok found comfort in the familiarity of an old friend. They reminisced about their college days, the professors they had disliked, and the silly pranks they had played. For a while, it seemed like a welcome respite from his recent woes.

But as the conversation flowed, Ashok made a fateful mistake. He mentioned that he had never really listened to Taylor Swift, not realizing that this seemingly innocent admission would be the tipping point.

Anjali's face changed, her eyes taking on a disappointed look. "You've never listened to Taylor Swift? I can't believe it. I'm sorry, Ashok, but I just can't date someone who doesn't appreciate good music."

He was just back to December, thinking how good his life was with his ex girlfriend. Rejection had become a familiar theme in his life, but this one cut particularly deep. He watched in silence as Anjali gathered her things and left the cafe, leaving him alone, wounded and bitter.

With his heart heavier than ever, Ashok walked back home that evening, haunted by the weight of his failed attempts at finding love. It seemed that every path he took was marked by disappointment and rejection. The pain from his broken heart refused to fade, and he was left to grapple with the lingering shadows of his past.

Again the sad man walked by, he again heard a loud music by some distance, he went in there and saw that reception after wedding was going on, he accidently pushed a women on the way, he wasn't even in a mood to tell sorry so he just walked by.

"You dumb, idiot, don't you help a person who you just pushed," she said, she was an women aged 47 years old.

"God helps does who help themselves," he said and then he saw the same girl again, he saw last time at the wedding, he knew he couldn't miss this chance, he ran towards her and said "Hey, I am Ashok, I saw you at a wedding a month ago, you dance so well,"

"Thanks," she said in a bit confused state.

"I am Ashok, by the way, I just bumped in here as I saw you...did it mean something else, I didn't mean to..I am sorry," he said.

"Oh...stop, it happens at wedding, I am Neha," she said and both shook hands.

A voice came from behind "Neha, come on help your mother, I think she broke her ankle,"

"Yes, dad," she turned around. As Ashok turned, he saw that same man, the man with whom he fought for rickshaw, so the girl he loved, her father who hated him and then he saw her mother, the women he pushed, he knew he has dig his own grave.

"Will you help me please," Neha asked.

"I would love to but my mother has....
alzheimer, I think she will be lost if I don't go and find her, will meet you soon, you are lovely," he said and ran away yet again but Neha had a smile and not the normal one but the smile a girl gives when she blushes....something was there in making.

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