Dancing angel

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Ashok found himself on a familiar path. He was walking down the same road he had traveled countless times to buy groceries. But today was different. Today, the rhythmic melody of music filled the air, and the distant cheers of a crowd drew him like a magnet. He always visited the dance class way back home, as he enjoyed the company of people over there.

As he neared the source of the enchanting sounds, he discovered a dance class in progress. The room was alive with the energy of movement and the intoxicating pulse of music. Students of all ages swayed and twirled, lost in the beautiful world of dance. And at the heart of it all was a young woman who seemed to dance like she was born for it. She was Neha, and she was the embodiment of grace, her every movement a testament to her passion and skill. The music flowed through her like a river, and her eyes sparkled with joy as she lost herself in the rhythm. As the dance reached its final step, a burst of applause filled the room, and the spectators couldn't contain their admiration.

It wasn't a mere coincidence; it was something more. It was as if the universe was conspiring to bring them together. ( Is it om shanti om moment for him?)

Her gaze locked with Ashok's for a moment, and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. In that fleeting connection, Ashok felt a spark of recognition and a sense of destiny. Neha waved her gratitude to the class and made her way toward the exit. Ashok, quick on his feet, followed her outside. There was a small garden nearby, a tranquil place where they could talk without the distraction of the dance class.

"Hi," Ashok greeted her with a friendly smile.

Neha returned the smile, and her eyes sparkled with an inner light. "Hello. I noticed you in the audience. You seemed quite interested in my dance."

Ashok nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Yes, I couldn't help but be drawn in by your performance. It was incredible. I've seen you before at a wedding reception. Is that a mere coincidence, or is there something more to it?"

"You got some nice flirting skills," Neha's eyes twinkled mischievously. "It's not a coincidence. I perform at various events and celebrations, including weddings. I guess you could say I have a knack for showing up in unexpected places."

A breeze rustled through the garden, carrying the faint scent of flowers with it. Ashok's interest was piqued further. "Tell me, Neha, how did you get into this profession? It seems like you were born to dance."

Neha's face lit up with memories. "I've loved dancing ever since I was a child. My parents tell me that I started dancing to music when I was just two or three years old. No matter what song played, I was confident that I could find steps to dance to it. It's always been a part of me."

Ashok couldn't help but be drawn into her passion for dance. "It's a beautiful thing, isn't it? The way you express yourself through movement and music."

Neha nodded. "Dance is like a language that transcends words. It's a way to convey emotions, tell stories, and connect with people on a different level. It's my way of finding peace and calm in this chaotic world."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and as they talked, Ashok discovered a shared love for dance and a growing connection. Neha seemed genuinely interested in getting to know him better.

"I'd love to hang out with you more, Ashok," she said, her eyes warm and inviting.

Ashok's heart skipped a beat. "I'd like that too, Neha."

With that, they shared a warm hug, their bodies drawing closer as if they were magnetized by an invisible force. Neha reached into her bag and handed Ashok a piece of paper with her phone number.

"Call me sometime," she said, her smile radiant.

As Neha walked away, Ashok watched her with a mixture of joy and disbelief. He had met someone who seemed to understand him, who shared his passion for dance. It was as if the shadows of heartbreak were finally lifting, and the sun was breaking through.

The next day, Ashok decided to take a bold step. He joined the dance class where he had first seen Neha. It was a leap of faith, a new beginning that he hoped would lead to more moments shared with her. Week after week, Ashok and Neha attended the dance class, and the dance classes were at the weekend, so for Ashok, it was always the bad days but good weekends,sharing their love for dance and laughter Their bond deepened, and as their trust grew, Ashok found himself falling for Neha, her vibrant spirit becoming a ray of light in his life.

One day, as they chatted after a dance class, Neha shared an exciting invitation. "My friend is getting married, and we have the opportunity to partner up and perform a dance at the wedding. What do you say, Ashok? Will you be my dance partner?"

Ashok's heart swelled with happiness. "I'd be honored, Neha. It sounds like a dream come true."

"We would be a good team," she said.

"Yeah... good partner for each other.." he said, and both shared a warm smile.

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