No just No

101 6 3

Everyone stared at Adrien in shock, how had he known all of that? Was he eavesdropping on us behind the door? So many things were rushing through Aru's mind and she was pretty sure everyone else's. Adrien put on that grin of his and said

"See! I knew everything before you even were going to tell," he said while rolling his eyes.

"Bold of you to assume I was going to tell you," Aru said with her arms cross

Everyone was focusing on Aru and Adrien that they didn't see the look on Aiden's face. It was as red as a cherry. Brynne, seeing her best friend, ran over to Adrain and pinned him to a wall.

"How did you know all of that? Tell me now!!" she demanded

"Brynne stop!!" Aru said

"Let's all calm down. Breath in, Breath out. That's what our guidance counselor told us at school. " Rudy closed his eyes and breathed.

" There, now we all are calm and collected."

All eyes were on Rudy, everyone kind of forgot that he was there.

Brynne stopped. She looked at Aru and sent in the mind link "Are you all on his side now!!"

" I mean, Rudy has a point. You have to calm down. You can't just pin people to the wall like that." Mini points out

" Well, he was being annoying." Brynne sounded like a kid who was trying to get out of trouble.

"SO!" Both Mini and Aru screamed.

Adrian dusted himself off and said " Isn't obvious, I was eavesdropping, and I wanted to see how you responded. Also, don't look at each other like that. It looks like you guys have some secret mind link or something." He shook his head.

"I'm sorry that we didn't think that you would go that low and eavesdrop on us." Aiden sounded mad.

" Also, we don't have a mind link, that's stupid." Aru was great at lying and Adrian didn't know that.

" Are you sure?" Adrian narrowed his eyes.

"Yes." Aru shrugs.

Aadhira looks at all the potatoes wondering why Aiden got so mad at Adrien. She gave Adrien the side eye which was his cue to leave. There was a moment of silence for a couple of minutes. But the silence broke when Aadhira's mom screamed again

"Adrien your friends are here can you please come downstairs" Shouted Aadhira's mom

"One sec" Adrien shouted back from the second floor

Aiden mumbled "If he even had friends he wouldn't be eavesdropping about us"

" I have only one last request. Can I come with you?" Adrien asked.

"No, just no." Aru didn't even have to think. 

So that was WAY too short for the wait. I will try to update weekly. 

 to end this off I got tagged by Fishy.


I don't have one, my real name is unnicknameable, even though it like 9 letters long. Online it's Random_Girl_360 or Random_Girl

Eye Color

Dark Brown but it looks like black

Hair Color 

Ink Black

One Fact About Yourself 

I hate Idil and Sambar, pls don't kill me

Favorite Color 

I love literally all colors

Favorite Celebrity 

Zendaya all the WAY

Favorite animal


Favorite Song

Um... i don't know, i like all upbeat songs

Favorite book

Upside of Falling and ( well duh) Aru Shah

And I'm just going tag 5 ppl






That's all, hope you like the chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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