You better watch your back Ace-cakes

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     As soon as Aiden saw Adrien, he knew Adrien was in trouble.

First, he thought that there were "too many girls in the room." Did he not see him and Rudy? And, what's wrong with the amount of girls in the room? It's not like they were going to destroy him or something.

Also, his name was ADRIEN. Almost every time someone was spelling Aiden's name, they spelled it like Adien or Adein or sometimes even Aden. But for Adrien, they could spell it with their eyes closed. ( Aiden saw this happen in his class.) Yes, Aiden was told many times not to judge a book by its cover, but let's be honest, we all judge a book by its cover.

There was something else about Adrien, he just seemed off. Why? Aiden couldn't seem to put his finger on it.

" Hey, I've seen you before. Aren't you Aiden, Mr. Popular, in Augustus Day." Adrien Air quoted the "Mr. Popular".

" Nobody calls me 'Mr. Popular. And yes, I am Aiden" Aiden offered a gritted smile.

" Not to your face they don't." Adrien looked down at his phone again, like it was common knowledge that Aiden was " Mr. Popular".

" Dude, chill. It was a joke. It's not that deep." Adrien had that laugh like everyone could forget his "joke".

"Are you like her brother or something?" Aru asks.

" What do you think? I live in this house and I told her something our mom said. You tell me, princess." Aiden had to sit on his hand or he would have punched that stupid smirk off his face.

" Dude chill, it is a yes or no question. It's not that deep." Aru shoots back at him.

" Aah, that's how it's going to be." Adrien shakes his head like his sentence made sense."

" What is that supposed to mean." Aiden hated when people said sentences like that. Just spit it out, don't sugarcoat it, and twist the meaning.

" It means none of your business." Adrien raies his voice.

" You said it out loud, so yes it is my business." Aiden matched his voice to Adrien.

" Well, you don't need to know everything, and I don't need to explain everything to you either." Adrien lowered his voice, but it still had the same effect.

" You never answered my question. Are you her brother or not?" Aru narrows her eyes.

" Yes. I am her brother, now let me ask a question. Are you her brother?" He points at Aiden.

" No, they are not siblings, can you leave now? We are talking about something important." Aadhira sounded sick and annoyed by Adrien.

"Important? Oh, spill the tea. I love me some drama."

" Nope. This is only for 9th graders." Aiden didn't even try to argue about the fact that he was in 10th grade.

" So, Aiden was so dumb he moved down a grade. Wow, way to go Mr. Popular. I thought you would be smart." Adrien smirked.

" At least he is smarter than you. You can't tell that you aren't included in this conversation." Brynne eyes almost turned red.

" Okay, look. This is a conversation for people who were in my room 10 minutes ago. You weren't in this room 10 minutes ago." Aadhira tries to reason with him.

" I was. I was talking to you for the last 15 minutes." Adrien's smirk turned into a grin.

" Well, you are still outside of this room. Aadhira said that you have to be IN the room, not standing outside like a guard dog. Also don't you have some stupid photo shoot in Paris? Don't you have to go run after Marinette? You have to save Paris from Monarch or something. Why are you still here?" Aiden stood up. Both literally and figuratively.

"Are you sad that someone else is stealing your spotlight?" Adrien said in a mocking baby voice.

" How would you steal my spotlight when there is not a spotlight above me? Are you just that blind? Oh, what am I talking about, you can't tell that Ladybug and Marinette are the same person, so of course you're blind." If Aiden was mad before, he was fuming now.

" ADRIEN! YOUR FRIENDS ARE HERE!" A voice fills the air.

" You have friends?" Aiden smirks, but secretly he felt guilty. It wasn't his fault that Miraculous Ladybug made the characters stupidly blind. Aiden decided that if he saw Adrien again, he would apologize. That is if he didn't lose his cool before.

" You better watch your back, Ace-Cakes," Adrien grinned evilly and left Aiden confused. How did Adrien know about his mother's nickname? 

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