We are kidnappers.

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" Wow Aiden, didn't know you had that in you." Brynne pats him on his back, but since Brynne put so much force, it was more of a slap.

" I didn't know I had that in me either." Aiden was still in shock about him knowing about Ace-Cakes.

" Well, thank you Aadhira for the story and information. I have to go do homework. Mrs. Poute gives like 70 pounds of homework and I have 2 tests so, like I have to study."

" I have her for homeroom! She hates her homeroom." Aadhira exclaims.

" She hates our period too!"

" That's sad. None of my teachers hate my period." Aiden says.

" But, thank you Aadhira. Hopefully, we will see you again." Aiden was about to leave when Aadhira pulled him back.

" Can I come with you? I want to help, and I only know how he looks. So, if I see him, I can tell you." Aadhira pleaded.

Aiden was okay with it, but he wasn't the best at decisions. So he let the girls do their thing.

There was an awkward silence and Aru, Mini, and Brynne were looking at each other, and Aiden knew that they were talking about it, in their mind-link.

Whatever, as long as I don't need to vote. The last thing I want is the final vote. Voting between the sisters is really hard. Both of them look at you like if you don't pick them, they won't talk to you for the rest of your life.

Then all of a sudden, Adrian walked in, again.

" What story? And what information? And why does Aadhira want to come with you? Where are you going? Why do you need to know how someone looks? Are you thieves? Are you kidnappers?!" Adrian asked a million questions.

" Were you listening this whole time?" Aadhira sounded annoyed.

" I asked the question first. So, you answer me first. Are you kidnappers?"

Nobody asked! Aiden wanted to punch him, but Aru spoke before.

" For god's sake, We are not kidnappers."

" I don't know about them, but you did steal something." Adrian had a stupid grin on his face like what he had just said made any sense.

" Did not!" Aru clearly didn't know what it meant.

" Did too!" Adrian was smirking so much that Aiden was almost convinced that it was glued to his face. He was leaning on the door frame and looked like he planned this.

" Did not!"

" Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

" Did... you know what I give up. Fine, we are kidnappers. Happy?"

"Wow, you gave up faster than I thought you would." Adrian looked like he planned this whole thing.

" Okay, get out!" Aadhira screams.

" Not until you answer my questions." Adrian was frowning now, and Aiden's theory about Adrian's smirk glued to his face died.

" Why would I do that?" Aru crosses her arms.

" Because I want to know, and I don't give up as easily as you." Adrian crossed his arms too.

" I didn't give up easily, I just don't like talking to arrogant people." Aru sounded annoyed.

" Yet, you talk to Aiden and you talk to my sister. Do you not like talking to them either?" Adrien's smirk was back.

" I am not arrogant!" Aiden was done with Adrien.

" Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," Adrien said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

" I think you didn't hear me right, I said arrogant people, not humble. Do you need your ears checked?" Aru steps in.

" You think I am arrogant? You've known me for like 20 minutes." Adrian points out.

" Some people are easy to read." Aru shrugs.

" Are you going to tell me or not?" Adrian raises his voice.

"Nope." Aru simply says.

"Jokes on you, I know everything." Adrian's smirk was back.

"About what?" Aiden had a hunch about what, but in movies, the main character says that to get what they want to know.

" What do you think? What were you just talking about?" Adrian rolled his eyes.

" I asked first, so tell me what you heard, or were you just bluffing this whole time." Now it was Aiden's turn to smirk.

" You want to know, fine. I know that you Pandavas, I know that there's a person named Memory Thief who is stealing people's memories, I know that Aadhira met him, I know that Aru, whoever that is, and Aadhira are sisters. I know everything."

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