Chapter 4

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Maya's POV

Lucas pulled his arm back and was about to punch Josh when the door swung open. Riley and Farkle walked in and looked shocked.

"What the hell?!" Riley yelled

"Riley!" I said happily

"Maya!" She said happily

We ran towards each other and hugged. We never stay mad at each other.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sleep with Josh. I was drunk I -"

"Maya I'm sorry too. I overreacted, it was Josh's fault. He wasn't drunk and you were. I'm sorry." Riley said

"Yeah you weren't drunk so why'd you sleep with Maya?!" Lucas yelled still holding Josh against the wall

"I was drunk, but not as drunk as her!" Josh yelled

"Lucas put him down." I said


"Cowboy." I warned

Lucas sighed and put Joshua down. I grabbed Lucas's arm and pulled him over to stand next to me. Josh looked upset and Farkle and Riley looked confused.

"Why is Josh here?" Farkle asked

"He came I apologize and then when Lucas told him to leave he didn't so Lucas was about to punch him when you guys came in." I explained

"Ohhhhhhhhh." Riley and Farkle said

"Josh, you should go." I said

"But Maya-"

"Look, I forgive you okay? Now go." I said

Josh walked out of the room and Riley, Farkle, and Lucas looked at me weird. I walked back to the counter and put the dishes away.

"So Riles and I made up." I said

Lucas came over to me and out his arm around me.

"I told you." He said

Riley and Farkle smiled at each other. I looked at Lucas and he looked at me.

"Uh, what's up with you?" Lucas asked looking at Farkle

"What? Nothing. Nothing's up." Farkle said

Lucas and I smiled at exam other and when we saw Riley and Farkle blush.

"O my god! You're dating!" I squealed

Riley and Farkle blushed even more. They weren't OFFICIALLY dating before. They broke up and then they were just friends for while, but now they're official.

"Cowboy, they're Filey!" I said hitting Lucas's arm

"What?" He asked laughing

"Filey, Farkle and Riley! They're so cute!" I said

"Farkle and I started dating again yesterday, officially." Riley blushed

"When you guys were at Farkle and Lucas's dorm?" I asked

"Yeah." Farkle said scratching the back of his neck

"Yay!" I said

Riley and I started squealing and jumping around the room. Lucas and Farkle bro hugged and they laughed at us as we hugged.

"Well, now that we're a couple, we have to get you guys together." Farkle said pointing to Lucas and I

"What?! No! Eww!!!" Lucas and I said

Farkle and Riley laughed at us.

"You guys are meant to be." Riley said giggling

"Cowboy and I are just friends." I said

"Yea, I would never date clutterbucket!" Lucas said

Riley and Farkle laughed at us even more as we got more confused.

"What's so funny?" Lucas asked

"You already have nicknames for each other!" Farkle laughed

Lucas and I looked at each other and we blushed. They are right, we have nicknames for each other but that doesn't mean we're meant to be together.

"Look they're blushing!" Riley said

"Shut up!" Lucas and I said

They laughed even more.

"Ok, we're done laughing." Riley said

"Good, because I didn't get to finish my cereal and I'm hungry." I said

"Let's go get some food." Lucas said

"Starbucks?" Riley said

"Yessssssssssssssssss!!!!" I cheered

"Ok then, Starbucks." Farkle said opening the door

"Wait Lucas and I have to get changed." I said

"We'll meet you guys at Starbucks." Lucas said

"Ok." Riley said

Farkle and Riley left and Lucas and I got changed. When we were finished, we got in Lucas's car and started to drive to Starbucks.

"Hey Lucas." I said


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For this morning, when Josh came."

I could see him tense up when I said Josh's name. His grip on the wheel tightened, but it loosened when I put my hand on his.

"Your welcome, Maya." Lucas said smiling



Awwww. Cute Lucas and Maya moment. They're will be Joshaya.

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