Chapter 6 Bell Test

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A/N: I bet you all thought I forgot about this book. Well, I did for a bit to be honest. Luckily I had some of this chapter written, and didn't have to reread the last 5 chapters to continue this. Also, I've found out why I just stop doing books after a while, it's because I get burnt out, then lose motivation. So, I'm gonna take frequent breaks after every 2 chapters and work on other books. I'm also gonna try to get on a schedule of updating. I'm not too sure what the schedule will be yet. But, I'm gonna try. Also, I've been working really hard on a book called Remnants Spider People, please check it out, I think it's one of my best works of the year and I'm really passionate about it. Anyway, on with the story.

Episode 6: An Unlikely Team.

After finding out that Bakugo was their final team member Alex and Sasuki walked over to her.


Alex rolled his eyes.

Alex: Calm down you Explosive Pomeranian!

He says as she turns to them.


She screamed at the two of them.

Sasuki: I'm goth... she got that right.

Alex: Oh would you shut the fuck up. We have L so calm your tits.

The male says as he shows her their letters.

Katsumi: Great! I have to compete with the man I love and his goth girlfriend!

The other two sigh and pinch the bridges of their nose.

Alex&Sasuki: We're not dating!

Alex: And stop fucking with my head! It's not cool!

He yells at her.

Katsumi: IM NOT FU-

She realizes screaming will get her nowhere so she calms down slightly.

Katsumi: I'm not fucking with you... I seriously love you.

Katsumi says while looking Alex dead in the eyes. This catches both of them off guard. But, being the stubborn person he is, Alex doesn't really believe her. Not fully at least.

Alex: So now you decide to stop screaming at us. Tch.

He says as he turns in a way that he could face both of them.

Alex: Now, Bakugo since you don't know how the bell test works.

He says as Sasuki nods.

Sasuki: And I'll fact check him, or add on if he forgets everything.

She adds on, Katsumi wants to yell at both of them, saying that she knows and to get on with it. But, she doesn't want to further taint their relationship.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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