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- After

It had been a couple of days since Aurora has been released from the hospital, ever since then she's been ignoring Hardin calls every time he tried to contact her  as while she was thankful that he had saved her and her sister she couldn't forgive...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

It had been a couple of days since Aurora has been released from the hospital, ever since then she's been ignoring Hardin calls every time he tried to contact her as while she was thankful that he had saved her and her sister she couldn't forgive him for what he had done as he had let her on and lied to her and broken her heart in the process.

Natalie had been out of town when she got a call that her daughters have been in a car accident and she rushed back to Washington immediately and haven't let Taylor or Aurora leave her eyesight as while she wasn't really on speaking terms with her daughter due to her decision on the guy she was seeing she would do anything for her children.

Aurora had kept mostly to herself watching movies with her sister only really speaking to Olivia whenever she called to check on her since her mother and brother have been overbearing always making sure that the two sisters were okay and if they needed anything. The blonde beauty had got ready for the day before making her way down the marble staircase stopping in the kitchen when she saw Natalie who was sat by the table with her laptop in front of her.

"Morning, so you wanna tell me what happened between you and that boy?" Natalie questioned as she looked up at her daughter who made herself a caramel nonfat latte, " No, not really" she muttered under her breathe not wanting her mother to rub it in her face that she was right about Hardin that he would break her heart. " Aurora..." Natalie trailed off as she looked at her daughter noticing the light that flickered in her eyes had died out and knew this had something to do with Hardin but she won't utter a word on what had happened.

" I just... I thought he was different from Nate but I get all guys are dicks and are just really wanting one thing from you" Aurora quietly spoke as she sat down opposite from her mother running her hand through her hair, " I'm sorry, mom. For everything that happened between us" Natalie smiled sadly as she reached across the table taking ahold of her daughter's hand squeezing it in her own, " I'm sorry too. I love you" Aurora smiled as she wrapped her arms around her mother who ran her hand through her daughters hair, " I love you, too"


After saying goodbye to her mother and sister, Aurora quickly left her house before Natalie could force her daughter to stay and made her way back to her dorm in Washington as she wasn't ready to face Hardin yet and go back to the apartment that she shared with him and ended up getting Olivia to go over to get some of her clothes just so she doesn't end up bumping into him.

Aurora was laid across her bed with her laptop in front of her catching up on her school work since she's been in new castle over these past couple of days and decided to email Vance Publishing Internship as Chancellor Scott had given her the email as she was interested in English major and knew this is someone she wanted to do in the future.

Dear Kimberly,

I got your name from Chancellor Scott. I'm currently an English Major at Washing State University. I would like to apply for the Vance Publishing Internship Program.

Aurora let out a small sigh when she sent the email before closing her laptop when the sound of someone knocking on the door was heard causing the blonde to frown as she opened the door only to come face to face with Tessa who held out take out food in one hand, " Hi, I just wanted to apologise for everything that happened between us and Hardin. Olivia told me you had been in accident I just wanted to check on you"

"Hi, I'm okay. My mom had me and Taylor on house arrest but I'm a lot better. It's okay, Tessa. You don't have to apologise we were both played by the same guy I know the kind of appeal Hardin has on people" Aurora smiled softly as she didn't blame the blonde for falling in love with Hardin as there was just something about him that drew people towards him.

Tessa shook her head frantically with an apologetic look on her face, " No, it's not. I knew that he had something going on with you but i just hoped I could of changed his mind but no matter what happened it was you that he wanted not me or any other girl. I guess I just wanted a relationship with someone that made me have butterflies in my stomach every time I saw them... something consuming you know"

"Yeah, I do. But as it turns out everyone disappoints you one way or the other. Is that Chinese food?" Aurora questioned causing Tessa to look down at the food bag laughing slightly as the blonde opened the door wider to allow Tessa in not noticing the looks they were receiving from Jace, Zed, Molly, Tristan and Steph who was standing down the corridor watching the two girls.


After her interview at Vance Publishing, Aurora made her way back to campus as she was sat in Professor Soto's class next to Tessa as Professor Soto who was speaking to the class of teenagers about their recent assignments, " on a parting note, I was deeply impressed by all of your papers attacking our themes for this semester" Soto smiled as she glanced around the room at her students.

"Congratulations on all of your good work." Professor Soto finished as Aurora grabbed her books putting them in her bag before she was about to leave with Tessa when Soto called out, " Miss James" Aurora frowned in confusion as she placed her bag over her shoulder turning around to face the professor, " This is what Hardin turned in. I think it was actually written more for you than it was for me"

Aurora stayed silent as she grabbed the small folder that Professor Soto handed her, " Thank you" she smiled softly before following after Tessa who was waiting for her by the doorway as they made their way outside to meet up with Landon who was scrolling through his phone as Tessa began reading over her notes. Aurora had an hesitant look on her face as she looked down at the folded on her lap before she pulled out the paper along side a picture of a familiar lake and also a drawing off herself.

Landon and Tessa both looked at her with a curious look on their faces, " what is that?" Landon questioned looking down at the picture of a lake as Aurora let out a breathe turning to face her friends and informed, " um... a secret spot. And a good place to think" Aurora couldn't help the smile on her face as she admired the drawing of her that Hardin had done before she started to read Hardin paper.

"I've read hundreds of novels in my life. Most of them claiming that love was the center of the universe. That it could heal any damage inside of us, that it was what we needed to survive." Aurora climbed off her head and started walking towards the woods heading towards a familiar lake Hardin had once taken her too, "From Darcy to Heathcliff, I thought they were fools. That love was something fictional, only found in worn pages of a book. But it all changed since I met my Elizabeth Bennet"

Aurora walked down the dock that leads to the lake, sitting down as she took off her trainers and her socks and dipping her feet into the water, " "I never thought I would find myself completely and utterly consumed by another until her. She took my hand and led me out to the darkness and showed me whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same."

Hardin had a look of surprise on his face as his eyes landed on Aurora who was sat on the end of the dock with her feet in the water before he began making his way towards Aurora sitting next to her with his legs against his chest, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. You once asked me who I love most in the world." Either one of them didn't say a word and just enjoyed the silence as the only sounds was heard was the wind blowing through the air as she turned her head to face Hardin as he did the same not looking away from each other as the wind blew Aurora hair out of her face as Hardin lips slowly turned up at the sight , "It's you."

𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐓 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz