Chapter 1

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As the sun ascended, it heralded a magnificent day for Nara, one dedicated to the age-old ritual of laundering her clothes. Despite falling asleep well past midnight after diligently arranging the newly delivered flowers as a gift for the upcoming Princess' birthday, she rose with unwavering determination.

With boundless energy, she undertook the chore, standing ankle-deep in the tranquil, crystal-clear waters of the Marig River, the kingdom's most extended watercourse. The melodious symphony of nature serenaded her; the birds orchestrated their harmonious chorale, tree leaves rustled in response to the gentle breeze, and the river whispered its eternal secrets. She paused, closed her eyes, and sighed, lost in contemplation of what lay ahead.

The war had concluded five years ago, an ostensible victory for Aganlan, but at a staggering cost. The kingdom had borne the brunt of the conflict, losing its cherished Manadors, revered as the trump card for their extraordinary ability to mend any ailment, heal wounds, and even regenerate lost body parts-an invaluable asset to the Battle Guild. "Manadors make us nearly immortal," the people once claimed. Tragically, the merciless Tapagkatan assassins had decimated every one of them, sparing neither young nor old. Whispers of captured Manadors and Manadoras in the hands of the enemy circulated, fueling Nara's unease about the specter of another impending war, given the Tapagkatans' unfulfilled desires.

Nonetheless, the resilient Aganlanons had resolved to move forward, seeking solace in unity, and aiding in the collective healing process, both physically and emotionally. Every moment was cherished, a fragile link to an uncertain future.

After hours spent by the riverside, Nara concluded her laundry. The noon sun cast its scorching rays from high above, and the once-light basket now bore the added burden of waterlogged clothes. Though the flower shop wasn't far, her strength was tested, for she was as human as anyone, even if she often bore the weight of heavy responsibilities. Fatigue crept in, reminding her that every heart, no matter how resolute, needed respite.

Beneath the towering giants of the forest, she ventured on, the ground dappled with harsh noon sunlight, the town's distant chatter serving as an eerie backdrop to her arduous journey. Determination drove her forward, a burning curiosity propelling her to quicken her pace. However, the weight of the basket she carried began to gnaw at her, numbing her trembling hands. Thankfully, the fates were kind, and she stumbled upon her friend, Hibaysarin.

The overwhelming gratitude that washed over Nara when she found Hibaysarin was mirrored in his expression. With a grateful smile, Nara surrendered the heavy burden to him with a sigh of relief. "Thank you, but be careful; that thing is really heavy," she cautioned.

He nodded, acknowledging the weight. "You're right. This basket is a real behemoth. You should have asked someone to accompany you and lend a hand with this load."

Nara replied, "You know I couldn't possibly impose on someone for such a minor task. Anyway, how may I assist you?" She stretched her weary limbs.

Hibaysarin wore a sheepish yet proud grin as he explained, "I'd like a posy bouquet made for next week."

Nara chuckled, having anticipated his request. "Sure. So, your anniversary with Simanyan falls on the same day as the Princess' birthday, right? You've been together for two years, if I'm not mistaken." Nara suddenly fell into deep thought, her gaze distant.

Hibaysarin noticed her abstraction and teased, "You were just contemplating something impossible, weren't you?"

Snapping out of her reverie, Nara denied it hastily. "What? No, not at all. What are you talking about?" She rolled her eyes at him.

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