Seokjin: We'll...die here?...

Namjoon: We only searched for 30 minutes and You're already lost hope?? Don't fall now!!

Jungkook: 30 minutes?...You mean...
You mean...15 hours...

Yoongi: .....

Jungkook was'nt actually looking at the wall....He was looking at a clock hanged on the wall...

Y/N: What do you 15 hours??

Jungkook: I made sure to look on the watch on my wrist right after we got off the elevator AND the clock on the wall....I kept following the clock on the wall on each floor....And I kept following the watch on my wrist as well.....Guys as my watch moved a minute....The clock on the wall moved half an hour....A mintue of our time is half an hour here!!!

Taehyung: What the hell are you saying??!! The THAT long??!!

Jungkook: All of you stand still and look at watches AND the clock for just One minute...Do it...

We all do what Jungkook said...And we all stood struggle to breathe from fear...

Seokjin: Oh God...every really half an hour...

Namjoon: Well...damn....All of you have your watches on you, right?

Hoseok: Yeah...we do....

Yoongi: .....

Taehyung: What do we do now?...

Y/N: Hide and cool down.

Jungkook: Hide?? Shouldn't we search for a way out???!

Y/N: Yes. But look at us! We're all barley standing from fear and confusion. We're not thinking straight and we'll just waste time and get in danger! And according to Yoongi said,
we MUST stay away from our respective doppelgangers! That's why
We must hide calm down so we can think straight!!!

Yoongi: I agree with Y/N.

Namjoon: Same here. Let's hide in Y/N and Jungkook's office. It's on the first floor.

We started moving as silently as possible to the office...The dark office...throughout the dark...cold corridors...

YN pov

We all took our respective corners to cool down alone...
We were so tensed..I myself was so scared...And I don't really like being alone when I'm scares me more...But...I can't just force myself on one of them...I know they want to be alone...I'm really scared...someone suddenly pats my head...Then sit on the floor beside me...I looked beside me

End of pov

Namjoon: If you want to stay alone just tell me and I'll go back to my sport.


Y/N: please...stay...I don't want to be alone now of all times...I can't be alone when I'm scared...

He turns, facing me...

Namjoon: I know, that's why I'm sitting beside you now.

Namjoon: Back when we were kids...whenever you we're scared, You'd always hug a picture and repeat..."I,m not alone, I have you"....Over and over Then you'd get up strong again, and move out of the room you would be hiding in.

Y/N: How?...How do you know about that?!! I always did that when I'm unseen!!

Namjoon: I saw you numerous times.

Y/N: You...saw me?!

Namjoon: We'll,most of those times you'd be scared of something I helped you from. And after I helped you, you'd say sorry or thank you to me then run away.

ELEVATOR GAME WITH BTS SEASON 1Where stories live. Discover now