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I'm from Russia so may be bad English, I'm writing on Wattpad for the first time, if there is a possibility to change chapters after their release, then write about writing errors. Thanks for understanding. I've finished the novella up to the middle of volume 8, armed with wikipedia and fanfics, so please don't throw slippers at me


- Where are we? - A girl with a dark blue hair and black matted horns, typical of those with Vritra blood, asked.

- This is... It can't be... No... - The man with golden eyes and almost white, wheaten hair said with a gasp of surprise.

- "Holy shit Princess, is that what I think it is?" - The wolf asked mentally, covered in the dark purple fire of the divine rune 'Destruction'.

- "Yes... That's what you're thinking" - Princess Grey replied just as mentally.

- Grey, you have a face like you know where we are right now - Caera squinted her eyes at him.

- Ha. Haha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - suddenly Gray started laughing like a psycho.

His companions started to look at him like, an already real, psycho. They were lucky that they were in some dark and forgotten alley. He laughed long enough and loud enough for some leftist thugs to come into the alley. At first, they looked at Grey, but immediately looked away from him and began to glare at the one standing next to him. And it's no wonder, a lot of people would start hitting on her, if only because of the shape she was in. Caera was about to get ready to beat them up, but Grey suddenly stopped laughing. Everyone looked at him. He looked at the 2 underhanded bandits with bloodlust, the underhanded bandits felt sick. While they were trying to grab air with their mouths, Grey leisurely walked up to them and asked:

- What guild are you from?

- From-...huah...(sort of trying to breathe) Xai-...huah..... ru-

- That's enough - said the golden-eyed man and began to activate the Aether Claw.

As he approached them and started to swing, he stopped. The Aethereal Claw dissolved into nothingness, and the bloodlust began to subside.

- Go away - Grey said, unexpectedly to the bandits - I won't give you a second chance.

- Yes, sir - the boys saluted and started to run away.


 - Let's go - Grey said seriously, as he always did.

- Okay, but you'll have to explain to me what's going on and where we are - said the female part of the Horny Trio.

- Good. Just hide the horns, lucky we showed up in a dark alley and those fools didn't notice the horns - the girl, after hearing that, immediately pulled out a necklace to hide the horns.

- "Of course they didn't notice, they were obviously not looking at her face, but lower down, your breasts are flat, Princess" - said Regis chuckling jumping into his master's body and not to get a slap from him for such comments.

- "Shut up or I'll take away aether for a week" - those words were enough for the wolf to stop laughing and fall silent, begging for it not to be done.

Coming out of the alley, the couple(trio), saw a busy street. Street vendors trying to sell their wares, groups of adventurers going to the portal to the Beast Glades, just passersby going about their business. And somewhere amongst this variety of people, there were some people who stood out, well, not really people, and they stood out not just because one of them had an outstanding form, but because they were both just beautiful compared to the others. Teenagers and men stared at Caera, while girls and women stared at Grey.

- Explain where we are, how do you know where we are, and where we're going? - Caera asked, stepping closer to Grey.

- We are on Dicathen in the city of Xyrus and we are going to the Xyrus Academy - still coldly answered the guy, not paying attention to the stares of passers-by.

- Where are we now! - in a whisper, but loudly, she said - But it was destroyed, the city was destroyed, why is everything here so peaceful, lively?

- Because we're in the past, that's why.

- In the... past?

- Yes.

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