Chapter 3

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It took two days by car to arrive in New Hampshire in New York State because there was something wrong with the GPS. I was on cellular the whole time because I charged my iPhone to the car's battery. The closer we were to Everett Academy, the more I didn't feel like doing anything, which was how I've been feeling since the turn of the century. I don't know why I was starting to feel old but that was simply how I felt. And I couldn't ignore it.

The truth was that I had never been a student at Everett Academy. It was a school that a lot of children attended because it was the closest thing their parents knew of instead of sending them to boarding school in Europe. Some children knew they were vampires, fairies, witches, and elves. Most of them didn't even know they were studying magical theories and practicing house magic. It was supposed to make sense to them later in life. But for the most part, it was a very boring school, which was why I begged to be sent abroad for my education, which my parents allowed.

It wasn't that I looked down at the students of Everett Academy. For the most part, it was one of the most prestigious magical academies in the world. But when I say that I can't relate to them at all, I really didn't know another way of saying so. I went to Europe to train to become a teacher, not a celebrity. It was a tricky situation to be involved in because some of the teachers were unavoidably non-magic. And it was my job to be subtle about making the curriculum more advanced without them noticing it.

Do you see what adults have to do sometimes? That's why no one in my family wanted to inherit Everett Academy. Sometimes, I have to deal with the things my family doesn't want to deal with. But I still love them.

It was always about this. To be frank, the non-magic teachers had been cursed to be like this because of a magic war that happened a long time ago and they always manage to find their way back to academies like Everett Academy where they become more difficult the more they want to control the school. And because of politics, we have to spy on them and that's how the Ministry of Magic controls the situation in North America.

They hate me. That's the fact. I didn't attend Everett Academy as a student and they don't think I can be the inheritor of the school. Yet, no one is allowed to know this. It was a tricky situation to be in and I had to simply pretend that I didn't notice it. But it was starting to give me some anxiety. So I turned off my iPhone and waited to arrive at Everett.

A short half an hour later, we arrived and there was only the secretary waiting for me at the cold entrance, far from the iron gates. It was around ten at night and the academy was lit sparingly from the inside.

The secretary was smiling warmly at me. I immediately sensed that she was in love with Zach and was acting like she was his girlfriend. I didn't like her.

"Welcome to Everett Academy. It's so nice to finally meet you, Wisteria. Was your journey a pleasant one?" Nancy asked.

"Oh, yes. It was a pleasant journey. Why is it so quiet here?" I asked.

"Well, this is the back entrance. Our main entrance is more modern. So this is now the teachers' headquarters." Nancy explained. She was nice. I don't like nice people. Very pretentious.

"Isn't Everett a boarding school?" I asked.

"Not anymore. Only the teachers board at the school. Well, I guess when we have overseas students who board at the school, most of them are quiet and distant from each other. So we're a motley crew." She smiled. Her large, square-framed glasses were perched on her perky nose.

"Alright then." I ignored everything. "Lead the way."

The minute I stepped into the cold entrance, I immediately sensed a chilling feeling coming from behind me. As the chauffeur drove the limo away, I felt alone in this historic school.

I felt like a student again.

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