"W-what..." I looked at Jang-Hyun, I felt my phone slip out of my pocket, probably from me struggling to get out of JooHun's grasp, and I heard it hit the ground. Looking down at it, I saw that my screen had lit up, showing the picture of Vernon back at the carnival, little digital heart stickers added onto it because I thought it was cute.

Jang-Hyun bent down and picked it up, "Oh would you look at that! It's precious Vernon with hearts. Are you the one who turned him gay?"

"No! He doesn't even like me like that! I love him but he doesn't love me back!" I paused, looking down at the ground, "He doesn't even like me as a friend anymore..." I thought out loud.

JooHun snorted, "Who would? Well... I guess we can't use you as bait then since he hates you. Maybe we could get him to laugh at you with us before we kill him too. You want that Channie? Want precious Vernon to help us gut you? You're into that right? That the type of stuff you abominations like?"

I looked up at that, "NO! I don't want any of that! I don't want him dead and he might not like me but he's not the type like you two that would physically hurt me! Just leave him and I alone! We've both been through enough already!"

JooHun laughed again, "We were hunting for Vernon. He owes us. He deserves to die for what he did. We're not leaving without his head."

Jang-Hyun continued, throwing my phone on the ground hard before reaching down and grabbing my face very roughly, "And since you're here... what a poetic ending to kill you both huh? Little nostalgia for us right, just like the old days!"

"The only ending I want is a fairytale ending... not whatever you two think is poetic!" I yanked my face away from Jang-Hyun's grasp, hurting myself a little, but it was better than having it being in his hands.

Jang-Hyun scowled, "You little brat! Fags like you don't deserve fairytale endings! They're not real! Not for people like you! Didn't your parents teach you that? You're not special, Chan. You're just a useless waste of space."

"Vernon would tell you that you're wrong! He thinks I'm amazing!" I spat out without thinking.

"I thought he hated you now? Wouldn't he agree then? We know Vernon. He's just stringing you along, telling you everything you want to hear just to fuck with you. I bet he knew we hated you-"

"He's not like you two assholes! You two would string girls along all the time! He would never do that! Vernon's a million times better than either of you! You guys didn't even attempt to kiss any of your arm candy!" I then shot my foot up, kicking Jang-Hyun in the leg. Vernon is NOT like them at all!

I cried out in pain as Jang-Hyun stomped down on my foot, I shut my eyes and put my head down, holding back tears, "Vernon is a piece of trash. Just ask his ex. I bet he's told you all sorts of lies about her. He strung her along just like he's doing to you. Hell, he might not even like guys. Especially not little fairies like you."

I opened my eyes, staring down at the ground, "He... He never said much about his ex... I love him because he's better than that." I then looked back up at Jang-Hyun, glaring at him, "He's not like either of you. So just leave him alone and let me go!"

"No can do..." JooHun said as he gripped my arms even harder.

"You deserve everything coming to you. Especially for loving a piece of shit like him. You're definitely a fucked up match made in heaven of useless, pathetic fucks." Jang-Hyun spat out before stepping closer and slapping me, "We're just getting started."

"Well, there's no lockers for you two to shove me in here, so what are you gonna do now!?" I glared at him. Someone will find us. Someone will save me.

"Hey JooHun, remember where we left his precious Vernon that night?" Jang-Hyun asked with a mischievous smirk.

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