Taehyung just stared at him with no response knowing it was useless arguing.

"But that is not the reason you are here. I expect you on your feet and hands begging for your life at the moment but I see you still see yourself the most important individual here"

"I was never your subordinate to deserve death for deciding to find my path away from yours"

"You are definitely not a subordinate but my very own weapon and there is no walking a different path when you are my very own shadow. I assumed you needed some kind of holiday so I allowed you stay away all this time. Ain't I a generous Dad?"

No words from Taehyung,

"Who is going to inherit this empire when I am gone?"

"Not interested."

"Not even for your late mother?"

The mention of his mother got his blood boil and his eyes get darker which was glaring at the old man.

Mr Kim chuckled amusedly "And this is why I cannot let you go, the only person who can stand me without any fear"

Fear? All he ever had for this old man was fear but he guess he is still a great actor in front of him.

The expression on taehyung's face changed reminding himself his mum was no longer on this earth and he shouldn't allow this old man to use her against him still.

"But I still have that nerd of yours and your whole new found friend at the police force, maybe if I dig any better I will find something or someone strong enough to pull the strings like your mother did" Mr Kim said as if reading his thoughts

A snort escaped Taehyung "You seem to be running out of options Old man. Even if you went down on your knees right now to beg I refused to become your lab dog once again....."

A hard slap hit Taehyung across the face by his father who was now furious.

"Don't get ahead of yourself brat, Whatever you think you are I made with my own hands!"

Taehyung licked the blood off the split lips and a laughter broke from his lungs and soon he was full-on laughing his head off.

"I see what you have been saying to yourself to help you sleep at night" he said after finally calming down from his laughter "If those hands are so mighty maybe you should create another monster, moreover" he paused, glancing at the door his older brother went out through. "You still have a second son"

The old man whipped him with his walking cane, it was so fast taehyung did not see it coming but seeing as he just stood there and received each hit shows that he saw it coming and just accepted it.

He just wished he never lost guard so much as to get caught and getting dragged back here but if this is what he has to bear for saving him, he will take it like a man.

He gulped and shut his eyes at each hit, the father was blabbing curses as he continued to him but he can barely hear anything over his own thoughts.

Mr Kim chuckled finally coming to a stop. "I have broken you once and can do it again and we both know death is the easiest you can wish for. Lock him up until is ready to talk" he yelled out

The guards quickly stepped inside standing behind Taehyung not knowing what they should wait for before grabbing the other.

Taehyung stared back at his father.

If it wasn't for his attachment issues or so called blood of this man running through his vein, he knows that the only way to escape a leach is by ending the person holding it.

He quietly walked towards the door expecting the guards to direct him to his new room (prison)


In a dark room clouded in a thick layer of smoke, you could see tens of burnt out cigars in the ashtray, the whole room has been thrashed, broken into pieces and torn apart. The only thing intact was the single couch in which the mafia boss was seated.

Jungkook was seated on a couch staring into space, his inside was calmed down from the rage. He doesn't remember when last he was that angry to the point he was shaking.

Now it was all acceptance. One he acknowledged with a sad smile.

The world has always been harsh to him, taking his father before his eyes at a very young age. Taking over a mafia world he didn't want and having everybody out for his head which he didn't mind, the world was fucked up and he himself was been fucked by the world and he didn't mind.

Then he came. With those beautiful eyes and charming aura, enchanted him with his smile and calming presence. Jungkook was so desperate to get an escape from his shitty world that he didn't mind how he got it.

It was so beautiful and for a minute there he felt alive after so many years but that was life just fucking him over in another way. A way so addicting.


He was so stupid!

He had no business getting so involved with that detective so much, he should have listened to Jimin when he was suspicious of him but he was so intoxicated by the beautiful man.

And what did he get in return? Literally getting fucked by his worst enemy! The very reason he has been bearing with this fucked of life was to get back at the Kim's, all his existence was to get revenge for the murder of his father and here he was allowing the same fucking Kim to fuck him over.

And he allowed it!

He slowly exhaled the smoke from his lungs. Getting revenge on the Kims is still a priority but he can't help the sad smile that appeared on his face at the thought of how many different ways to toture Taehyung.

He moved his head around to stretch his neck and bask in the intoxication of his revenge thoughts. Taehyung is going to so regret ever crossing his path. The thought got him giggling with close eyes.

If V became a demon child by birth, it is time he is introduced to the demon his own father created.


Enemies to lovers and lovers back to enemies?

You think Taehyung played Jungkook?

See you next chapter soon.

I purple you

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