Chapter 3

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Taehyung parked his car making sure it was locked before walking into the station. He saw from the corner of his eyes a few cars parked some distance away from the police building and the men in suit discreetly walking around.

He furrowed his brows at that but proceeded to enter the building walking for his office.

"You have a guest Detective Kim" he heard one of the officer inform. When he approached his office he could see a male sitting in his office causing him to wonder why they would allow just anyone to enter his office when he wasn't around.

He made sure his gun was in his belt before entering the office to be met with the face of the same person's information he got just this morning.

"Hey detective, you finally made it" Jungkook said in his deep voice at hearing the door open without turning his face.

Taehyung walked to his seat and sat on it before looking at the legs the younger had on his table before  looking at the face of the mafia boss who had a look he couldn't describe..

"If you don't want to get behind bars I will advice you put your legs down" Taehyung said calmly while setting up his system.

Jungkook on the other hand was love struck at the sight of the detective, he had a blond hair, tall, not too muscular with slender figures but that was nothing compared to his deep smoothening voice that caught him completely off guards, completely his type. He bit his lips pressing his legs together as he was surprisedly getting excited.

"You know it's not everybody you can put behind bars detective" Jungkook said after he found his voice with an amused smirk playing on his lips.

Taehyung didn't respond to his statement only averting his eyes from his system to the legs that were still on his desk before meeting the mafia boss eyes causing Jungkook to almost chuckle at the dominant aura oozing out of the detective.

He brought his legs down spreading them out as he looked the detective up and down.

"Didn't know I would be getting a visit from the great JK before I could get a warrant to invite you here myself" Taehyung said to which Jungkook smiled at the detectives boldness

"Well, if I knew you looked this hot, I would have come earlier" Jungkook said pulling out a cigar placing it in-between his lips and then a lighter but at seeing the look on the blond detective face he just pulled it away.

"Why are you here Mr JK" he asked

"I'm sure you know why I'm here detective, one of which is to formally introduce myself to my latest fan and welcome you to my town" Jungkook said still having that smug smile on his lips as he passes his hand through his hair.

"Well I should thank you I guess? But since you are here can you answer some of my questions?"

"No questions without my lawyer around, Well... unless it is over a drink in my bedroom" Jungkook said before putting a business card on the desk of the detective. "You should be honored, you are probably the first detective that has brought me to the station"

"Oh I'm flattered but I promise to come escort you here next time" Taehyung said as he stood up causing Jungkook to laugh while standing up himself.

"Nice to meet you Detective Kim Taehyung" Jungkook said before pulling a facemask over his nose and mouth while walking towards the door but was stopped by the older.

"I think you forgot this" he looked back with a fond smile behind the mask as he looked at the object held out to him.

"Glad you are smart enough to notice that. You can keep it as a gift" he said turning around to walk out but paused "We both know how you got the connection of JK and Jeon Jungkook and I will advise you to keep it yourself" he added winking at the detective before walking out of the the office through the open office ignoring every eyes till he reach outside entering the car Jimin was in.

"What happened?" Jimin asked

"Well for a starter the detective is hot as fuck and smart, we should be careful from now on" he said to which  Jimin nodded.

"Where to from here" he asked as he continued to drive out of the police compound

"To the hotel, and call for someone to be arranged. Never been this excited from just talking" Jungkook said as he pulled out a cigar placing it in-between his lips as he lite the stick up. He took a long drag of the toxic smoke into his lungs to allow it to stay for a few seconds before exhaling it through his nostrils.

He just might be in trouble with that detective. He can't remember when last his blood rushed the way it was doing at the moment.


They met!

I'm so excited for this and hope you are as well!

We know how it goes, the more the comments the faster the updates.

I purple you


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