"All right. Have a good night then." He said and she was turning around, walking into the crowd again.

"Are you boring Clark now, with a few good more of the all-too familiar "Alexander the Great" facts again?" Andrea asked as she caught up to Lex and Clark.

"Of course not." Lex said and Andrea lifted her eyebrows at him. "Okay, yeah, maybe."

"Andrea, I am glad that you're okay." At the words, Clark was gingerly now moving his arms around Andrea, who appreciated the effort and she had no doubt that he was able to easily crush her by mistake, if he got too excited by seeing her.

Clark had gone outside, Lex had gone off with Victoria Hardwick much to Andrea's rolling eyes and now, she was eating dinner with Lana and Whitney.

"If you apologize to me again, even one more time for the ever-annoying gunshot wound, Whitney, I swear to god, I am going to kick your ass." Andrea warned, holding up a spoon pointed in his direction and the quarterback ducked his head, looking for a way out. Slouching in his seat. "Hey don't worry, Whitney, I'm not even comfortable here. And I grew up basically following Lex and my brother around... Well, mostly Lex."

"Is your brother actually here?" Lana asked as she was looking around as Andrea searched with her.

"He was here... Maybe he left already." She had a feeling that he wasn't gone yet but she dared to hope anyway.

"That wouldn't happen to be him, just over there next to the ancient breastplate from the fabled Alexander the Great... Would it?" It was a good question from Whitney and she was gritting her teeth, turning to look to see that her brother was getting progressively more and more loose-lipped as she groaned.

"Do you need help?" Lana asked and Andrea was shaking her head, before she was getting up and she was walking swiftly over to her brother.

"Oliver." Andrea interrupted him before he could say anything else and her big brother turned to look at her. From over five feet away, she could smell the stink of alcohol and it made her want to puke. "It's time for you to call a cab." She said calmly and Oliver was shaking his head, barely managing to stay on his feet. "You're wasted, Oliver, just come on." She said and he was knocking her hands away from him.

"Stay away from me, you little brat!" He snapped at her loudly as she flinched at the words, feeling a pulse of pain shooting through her.

"If somebody could please call a cab for him, that would be wonderful." Andrea said and she saw that Lana was on the phone, as she was attempting to swiftly just drag Oliver away from the bar.

Oliver spun around and he pushed her hard. Andrea crashed into one of the pieces from the exhibition and shards, plus smaller pieces of glass went everywhere and she brought her arms up to shield her eyes.

Andrea felt like she couldn't move and she choked in air, swiftly realizing that she had just been winded in the fall and Lana came running over with Whitney.

Whitney rolled her onto her side and Andrea's coughing was a relief for her and air was coming back into her lungs again as she was shaking for a few minutes. "Andrea? Andrea, are you okay?" Lana asked and Andrea swallowed briefly, before she was nodding.

"Oliver?" Andrea asked and Lana winced as she was looking over at the doors. Oliver was currently being herded out by a pack of security guards and Andrea groaned at the sight of one of the artifacts that was broken, shattered. "Oh. Lex is so going to kill me for that." Andrea muttered as the cleanup crew was doing the work and Andrea was going towards the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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