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Yoongi still had it hard to comprehend the situation.... Why in the world was he in an animal clinic out of all places, sharing his life story with a human whom he barely knew a thing about??

"Hyung, Daegu is so far away from Seoul! How did you get here?!" Jimin realized he sounded frantic, but he just couldn't believe that the older was so far away from home.

Yoongi was once again about to complain about the other's loud voice, but the 'Hyung' part kind of made him forget about his hurting ears, even his hands couldn't do much to shield him from the noise, because of his sharp hearing.

"What? Are you from Seoul?"

"No... I'm from Busan."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, the vet was being dramatic over nothing. "Busan is even further away from Seoul, you dummy."

Dummy... why did Yoongi use that word? Shithead, asshole, idiot, jackass... there were much more insulting words. Dummy actually sounded kind of nice, something you would say to your friend, a close one without offending him, because he would know what you were trying to fool around.

"Well, yeah. But I've lived here for over 7 years. But you... what are you doing in this big city, all alone?"

Okay, the talk had finally reached that part. "I don't think it's really hard to guess..."

The words made Jimin purse his lips in thought, going over the facts – it was Winter, but Yoongi wasn't wearing a coat, he said he was hungry and almost stole food, getting hurt in the process and his home was far away from here... which meant-

"Hyung, you ran away from home?! What... are you five?? Nobody does that anymore!"

There was disbelief written all over the younger's face, but the accusation finally made Yoongi snap. He raised his non-bandaged hand and poked Jimin in the chest with two of his fingers. In any other case, he would have actually punched the person who was pissing him off, but somehow hurting Jimin sounded even worse than staying on the streets with an empty stomach for weeks.

"Don't act like you fucking know me! Do you think I wanted to leave?? So I could roam the streets for over a year?! I would have stayed, but I had no other option! I couldn't continue living there when-"

Nope, there was no way Yoongi was going to share everything with a complete stranger, no matter how nice he was, no matter how much Yoongi enjoyed the feeling of having someone to actually care about him.

"A year? Oh god, why-"

Jimin's eyes widened to a new extend when the hybrid headed towards the door, he was about to run away and even though Yoongi's moves were quite swift, Jimin was much faster and he stood in front of the other before he could leave the clinic.

"Move it."

The tone was kind of threatening, but Jimin refused to budge. "No, where are you going to go?? It's so cold outside!"

"What do you care? I can do whatever I want!!"

Jimin was taken aback by the outburst. Sure, Yoongi was right. He was old enough to do whatever he wanted and Jimin was a nobody to him, he couldn't say a thing if the hybrid wanted to leave and slam the door in his face, but how could Jimin let him go when he knew that the older had nowhere to go?

"I can take you to my place?"

Jimin once again spoke before thinking, but he somehow didn't regret his words. That sounded like the most logical thing in his head at the moment.

"What? Why would you do that? I'm not a charity case, Park Jimin. Letting me in your home for a few days is not-"

"No! That's not what I meant, not for just a few days..."

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