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He entered the mansion as he swung the door open.this big mansion , gave off a eerie feeling , it felt ominous being in here it felt uncomfortable and yet strangely familiar being in this place , as if he had been here forever , or maybe wanted to ......

Stepping in he observed the surrounding he was in , the mansion was all quiet and no one seemed to be there, or so he thought so , looking around he could various things that made it look like this mansion was very old , not of recent 10 years or something similar to now ......

To confirm whether someone was within this house or not he decide to give out a call ....

" hello! Any one home " ? He asked as loud as possible .. a voice replied " yes I'm coming... And there was this voice which looked as if it belonged to a female , it sounded sweet ...

Only for him to put stop to the wonder he noticed a blonde haired girl rushing towards him , down the stairs, he only gasp in awe at her sight , to she looked beautiful..

Blonde haired girl , the hair up to her shoulder, in curls with sherbet pink eyes , that look ethereal to him .. she looked roughly a big average of height nor short no that tall

Until she reached down only for her eyes to meet his , the gaze kept locked between them neither of them blinked .

They started staring in to each others eyes as if they haven't seen eachother for a long time being .

Until the silence was broken by hibiki
" Hello , I'm Hibiki ,Arakawa he smiled and observed her a bit until the said girl replied , "ah Hibiki...? I'm yui komori it is a pleasure meeting , how may I-I help ? She shuttered mesmerized by Hibiki 's looks .

Observing him a bit longer , her gaze landed on his left arm , she noticed something familiar and was left shook to only realise

'' that mark!! Is same to mine ... She muttered under neath her breath , but sure I had not gone unheard by Hibiki ..

Her gaze shifting to his eyes ... She looked at him almost as if she realises something , words didn't leave her mouth but sure , told her eyes of what she felt

Her gaze at this person was of longing .. she gazed at him as if she had a full glimpse of her salvation, her eyes told how she yearned for this person to come ... To her all those years ... Tears filled the brim of her eyes until,

The eyes which could not withstand the relife , let the tears be showered as if the the clouds of her sadness finally let the  weight of the guilty rain be washed off

Her pink tinted cheeks were tainted with crystalline coloured tear drops as the fell on the floor , only him to find her sobbing aggressively now .

Wasting no time she threw her arms around the said raven haired boy and sobbed vigorously, while all the boy could do was understand he pain and and hug her back gently patting her in an attempt to comfort her

" Where have you been all these years ! Huh do you know much I wanted you to come find me ..? Was the reply he got for the comfort he was giving

He knew what she meant ... Finally he knew what she said as realisation dawned on him he cried along .

He felt safe in her grasp , as if he finally was now at peace and would never get harmed he felt loved ...he felt warm in her arms , they welcome him which he never had received before

He finally knew he found his mate ... The beloved mate ... He always dreamt of .....

Until the reunion waw broken by a certain light glowing from both their hands

The hug was broke as the soul mate marks on both their hands glowed bright light and vanished later in a fraction of time to reveal to white lotus symbols on either of both of their hands ...

She wiped her tears .. and again spoke , " my mate ... I can't tell you what you mean to me she spoke , continued with " you... Are extremely handsome ... I don't know what I deserved to have someone like she said before he could think ....

She blushed bright red form being  embarrassed regarding her sudden action .. her tio sof the ears grew a bright red .... And a blush crept her face and she shyly looked away from him

Holding her hibiki spoke ... " you are beautiful in every way I have seen you till now , Yui .. am I right? You deserve the don't ask me what you do to deserve me ... We are meant to be soul mates" he replied

Which seemed to slowly clear the insecurity the blonde had up till now

She smiled and caressed his hand gently she left him in let him sit on the couch .the next was to be seen

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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Fall-with-U {BY-sarangshii4600} A Diabolik lovers fictionWhere stories live. Discover now