Chapter 2

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It's funny how fast a year can go when you fear for your life.

Tala sat at her window, nervously tapping her fingers on her thigh, watching the sun rays slowly pierce the sky as it made its assent. She could feel her insides clench tighter until they were just a heavy knot weighing her soul down. She didn't know how the hell was she going to eat the sacred offerings later. She already felt like she was going to throw up the moment she tried to swallow something.

She hadn't been this nervous since she snuck out a few months ago to stash her raft and supplies in the sea cave.

The plan had gone off with only a slight hitch. She, by some grace of the Gods, made it to the sea cave and had just managed to pry the stone doors open enough that she could squeeze in - this was the only time she was thankful for her tiny chest otherwise she would have been screwed.

She hadn't even taken a step into the tunnel when she heard people yelling in the distance.

Panicking Tala stuffed her bag behind a rock, just in case someone did go in. Squeezing back out she pushed the doors closed before falling to her knees, praying loudly as the elders rounded the corner.

When questioned as to why she had snuck out of the castle and made her way down here, Tala told them that she had felt an overwhelming urge to pray here at the sea cave. Not one to upset her God she came instantly.

They didn't look entirely convinced, especially her old Handmaid, who was judging her with those bird-like eyes of hers. If the Elders were in any doubt they didn't show it, instead they just increased their watch on her, her Handmaid practically becoming her shadow.

It was incredibly inconvenient, but it didn't matter. She was ready.

The sun finished rising and with it the bells started ringing in the sleepy town below.

The bedroom door opened and Ms Sour Face floated in, in her usual haunting way. Tala was glad this will be the last day she would have to spend in this woman's company.

The Handmaid blinked at her in surprise. She hadn't expected Tala to be up this early since she had a habit of sleeping in. Composing herself the Handmaid cleared her throat. "A great offering day to you, Tala."

Tala worried that her voice would fail her. Give some hint of what she had planned. Gathering every ounce of resolve she smiled sweetly. "A great offering day to you as well."

The old hag sniffed, her face becoming more pinched. "Your bath is waiting. The girls are gathering to meet you in the dressing room. Do not plod along like you always do." She finished with an order.

Tala felt her cheek twitch. Oh how she wanted to tell this woman to go fuck herself. "I wouldn't dream of it. Not on this joyous day." She really hoped the sarcasm didn't slip into her tone.

The old hag's mouth thinned even more as she glared at Tala, before she spun around and floated out like the creepy ghost she was. Tala flipped the bird at her back, secretly hoping she would turn around and see.

Once alone Tala forced herself to stand, reminding herself to go through the motions of her plan. Body shaking with nerves she reminded herself that she just needed to get through the rituals for the day and get to the cave. Easy as a sailor on shore leave. Just breathe, that's all you need to do. Just breathe.

The bath was simple enough. She had to wash away everything on her body in this special herbal water that looked like milk with floating flower petals, but strangely smelt like nothing. It did make her skin feel amazing though and the hot water calmed her nerves.

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