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*At Agreste mansion,In Gabriel's office, Gabriel had told Katherine that he and Nathalie are working with Hawkmoth to get the miraculous so they can bring back Emilie and Jason*
Katherine:(she has her arms crossed as she looks at him) so if they have the magic to bring them back then how come you hadn't just asked the trio to borrow their miraculouses to make the wish? If you told them your reason, I am sure they would be ok with it.
Gabriel: well—
Katherine: Is it because it's dangerous? Is that why you haven't asked them?
Gabriel: No it's not dangerous,it completely safe.(Katherine looks at him not believing him) believe me,I tried asking them but they denied my request saying that it isn't possible. That what I am asking them to do is just nonsense.
Katherine:(after a minute) you're expecting me to believe that Gabriel!?
Nathalie: it's the truth,Katherine,(Katherine then looks at her) they don't believe that their miraculouses can do such things.
Katherine: (she scoffs) I had enough of this nonsense!(she starts to walk away) I no longer want to be part of this dangerous plan..(Gabriel gasps as he didn't wanted Katherine stop helping him because he needed her)
Gabriel:you can't leave! If you do, Diana and Daniella will become Hawkmoth's next target!(Katherine immediately stops and looks at Gabriel with anger as Nathalie looks at him with a "wtf you doing" face)
Katherine: did...did you just threaten me? Do you have a death wish?
Gabriel: No, not me,Hawkmoth.(Katherine crosses her as he continues) when I...made a deal with him,he promised to never hurt,akumatized or touch Diana, Daniella and Adrien. The deal also  includes me using the miraculous to make the two wishes. In return I would help him gain knowledge of his miraculous. But if I break this deal then our kids will be on the top of Hawkmoth's list.(Katherine looks down thinking as Gabriel looks at Nathalie and signals her to convince Katherine)
Nathalie: Katherine,this is our best option.(Katherine looks at her.)
Gabriel: And after we are done making our wishes, we will return them back to the trio.
Katherine:(she then looks away) how do I know you're not lying.(Gabriel looks at Nathalie again)
Nathalie:(she sighs as she walks up to Katherine and puts her hand on her shoulder) it's the truth,Katherine, as my best friend, all I am asking is for you to trust me... (Katherine looks down thinking) this is the best plan to bring them back.
Katherine:(she sighs as she looks at Gabriel,she suddenly moves towards him and pushes him towards the wall as she holds a knife on his neck making Gabriel gasps while Nathalie looks shock) listen to me closely because I will only say this once,I am trusting you Gabriel, if I find out that you were lying to me again,I'll beat you and hurt you so bad that if or when the police find you,they won't be able to recognize you! Do you understand?(Gabriel looked very nervous)I said...DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!(Gabriel clears his throat)
Gabriel: of...of course Katherine(Katherine then let's go of him and then Katherine looks at Nathalie)
Katherine: I am trusting you Nat,if you break it...(she then looks down for a second before she looks back at her) then that will be the end of our friendship and the start of us being enemies.(Nathalie's eyes widen) you two better not take my warning lightly, now if you excuse me,I have to pack for the wedding we are attending tomorrow.(she goes to leaves but not before throwing the knife at Gabriel making him gasps as it lands a few inches away from his head,Gabriel looks at Katherine who shows no emotion as she raises her hand up and the knife flies back to her,she grabs it as she points the knife towards her eye and then at Gabriel, signaling that she is watching him.she then puts the knife away and walks away as Nathalie then looks at Gabriel)
Nathalie: you better know what you're doing Gabriel, because I staked my friendship with Katherine to help you. Gabriel?(she then sees the fear in Gabriel's eyes and for the first time ever since his wife died,Gabriel felt fear.)

*Cut to Katherine's room,Katherine had entered her room and locks her door,she then walks to the wall where a picture of Jason was at,she then pushes a button that was underneath it and the picture slides up to reveal a safe. Katherine then types in the password and then scans her finger print. The safe opens and inside was some pictures and two books, one said "Jason's translations" and other siad "journal", Katherine grabs the journal and then grabs a pencil as she then sits on her bed as she begins to write*
Katherine:(voiceover) entry number 143, I just found out that Ladybug's, Phantom's  and Cat Noir's miraculouses have the power to grant any person two wishes when combined. Which sounds amazing,with these wishes I could finally get Jason back, at least that's what I thought when Gabriel confirmed the information but then I realized that there is no way you can combine the three miraculouses and make any wish you want without there being any consequences. It sounds too good to be true but then again Nathalie told me that what Gabriel said is true and she would never lie to me,at least she never had,me and Emilie trusted her with our lives ever since we all met and became best friends. But I can't just leave out that possibility, so if it turns out that she and Gabriel lied to me then I am going full on revenge mode because no one makes a fool of me and gets away with it. (She then writes down her revenge plan and then closes the Journal and puts it back in her safe and then sighs not knowing what to do,she was about to close the safe when she stops as she looks at the book that said "Jason's translation" .)

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