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*Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Sabine prepares Tom for his presentation at school.*
Marinette: Ready, papa?
Tom: As much as I'll ever be.(Tom and Marinette leave the house)
Sabine: Happy Career Day, my darlings!

*Collège Françoise Dupont. Tom explains his job.*
Tom: My day begins at 4 a.m. every morning because the bakery opens at 7. You think that the life of a baker is pretty routine, making the same pastries, rolls, cakes... but actually, it's different everyday. One day someone might order a cake in the shape of the Eiffel Tower, and another day you might--

*Outside the classroom. Adrien attempts to call his father.*
Phone: You've reached the voicemail of Gabriel Agreste's office. Please leave a message.
Adrien: Hi father, it's me. It's Parent's Career Day at school, remember? I was hoping that you were gonna show up. Call me back.
Plagg: You okay?
Adrien: Yeah, whatever. Nothing new.
Tom: Marinette will come around and pass out some croissants baked fresh this morning.
Miss Bustier: Thank you, Mr. Dupain.Now,Let's meet Alya's mom, who is head chef at the Grand Paris hotel, owned by our mayor, Mr. Bourgeois.(Marinette looks at Adrien sadly.Diana sees him walk by looking sad and she pats him on the shoulder and Adrien gives her a small smile.Chloé opens a case with a bracelet)
Sabrina: It's beautiful! (she grabs it)
Chloé: (she slaps Sabrina's hand) Look, don't touch!
Mr. Bourgeois: Put it away, Chloé! It could get in the wrong hands!
Chloé: I wonder how many croissants your dad would have to sell to buy you one of these? What am I saying? He'd have to sell the whole store!
Marinette: Well, if you're so rich, obviously you don't need free croissants!
Chloé: Ugh, jealous.
Diana: Chloe!what did I say!(Chloe huffs and turns around)
Plagg: Is that Camembert? (enters Chloé's bag) Huh? Oh, that's not Camembert...But it is very shiny. I like shiny, hmm!
Marlena: Unfortunately, I have no dishes to share. But maybe Mr. Bourgeois will invite you all to the hotel and treat you to lunch!(Students applauding, Agent Roger laughing)
Plagg: (balancing the bracelet) He he...ohh...Ah! Ah! (the bracelet slips from the bag)
Marinette: (trips with the bracelet) Wahh!(The other students gasp,while Diana gets up and helps Marinette up)
Chloé: Geez, is there a day when you're not tripping over something?(Diana looks at her and glares) I was just saying!
Miss Bustier: Next on the list is Sabrina's father, a policeman. Officer Roger!(students applaud)
Roger: I've been a police officer for 15 years, and I firmly believe that every citizen is innocent until proven guilty.
Chloé: (gasps) My bracelet! It's gone! I had it a second ago. (looks at Marinette) You! You stole it!
Marinette: What? What are you talking about?!
Chloé: You unpurposedly tripped on my bag so you could steal my bracelet! (to Roger) You're a policeman! Arrest her!
Diana:(gets in front of Marinette) you're not arresting her!
Tom: My daughter is not a thief!
Roger: (blows whistle) Hold on a minute, Miss Bourgeois, we don't accuse without proof! Now, everyone, calm down, please. Maybe you simply misplaced your bracelet.
Chloé: You're calling me a liar?! Daddy!
Mr. Bourgeois: Roger, I demand you search this girl!
Chloé: Ha!
Diana: Oh no you don't! You don't have a warrant! No warrant no search.(Katherine walks over towards them)
Katherine: My daughter is right! I will not allow you to search this poor girl without a warrant or a reasonable cause.
Miss Bustier: Please, everybody!
Mr. Bourgeois: Need I remind you that as mayor of this city, I am your superior!
Roger: But sir, it's against the law! I can't just go--
Mr. Bourgeois: All right. Then you're no longer a police officer!
Roger: Mayor, you can't be serious! Over a missing bracelet?
Mr. Bourgeois: This is my daughter's bracelet we're talking about! You're incompetent and you're fired! Get out!
Roger: Aww...
Chloé: Good! Let's call Ladybug or Phantom! I'm sure she'll actually do something!
Diana:( angry)Chloe!

*Hawk Moth's lair.*
Hawk Moth: Parent-child relationships can be so complicated. And the perfect breeding ground for stress. When there's no more law and order, there's only chaos left. (turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away, my evil little akuma, and take control of this policeman!

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