Chapter 10 // Cheerleader

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Hayden listens to Vincent's heartbeat with a smile as his fingers curl into the fabric of his clothing. Within a matter of seconds, Hayden is lightly snoring into Vincent's chest, causing the latter to grin.

And just like that, Vincent is settled.

He can't let his overthinking mind run circles around him while everything is fine.

Hayden likes him, and he has for a while, so he knows the risks of growing closer than they were before. And Vincent likes him too. It may be a discovery that is less than twenty-four hours old, but it's an honest one.

What's the point of freaking out when falling for a person who already knows your strengths and weaknesses, pet peeves and guilty pleasures, as well as what you care about the most?

Vincent cautiously reaches over to his nightstand and grabs his book. He opens a page and starts peacefully reading.

Vincent can't help but think that this is going to be routine for them in the future, considering he is a morning person while Hayden is the neediest fucking person on earth...but that's one of Vincent's favorite things about him.


Vincent and Hayden are seated inside their local campus cafe. Although Vincent was reluctant to the idea, Hayden convinced them to have a civil sitdown where they can apologize to Johnny–their lovely third roommate.

Due to the college's overwhelming amount of freshmen in housing this year, some dorms were unfortunately assigned three people to a room. Vincent, being his typical self who doesn't like change or new people, has held a grunge on the poor boy since the beginning of the year as if it's his fault.

However, due to the events that unfolded yesterday, Vincent feels guiltier than ever. Hayden also said that he didn't have a choice in the matter if the newly budding pair wants to remain on speaking terms, so Vincent can't get out of this one.

A barista calls out Vincent and Hayden's order. Hayden bounces up to go get their drinks and returns to the table in a flash with a bright smile. He swiftly hands Vincent his drink before squishing himself in the space next to his best friend. Vincent rolls his eyes but doesn't scoot away from the highly affectionate boy.

Hayden excitedly takes a sip of his fancy cup of joe and his face screws up in disgust.

"Oh my god," Hayden spits. "That is vile. How are people getting away with selling this stuff?!"

"I told you you wouldn't like it," Vincent sighs, glancing at Hayden knowingly.

"Let me try yours," Hayden chimes, scooping up Vincent's drink without permission.

"Sure, go right ahead," Vincent says sarcastically.

Hayden immediately lights up at the divine taste. He then gives Vincent his drink back, slouches in his seat, and crosses his arms like a spoiled child.

"Your's tastes better," he mumbles with a visible pout.

Vincent can't help but roll his eyes and let a little chuckle slip from his lips at his best friend's foolishness. He pushes his drink in front of Hayden and grabs the supposedly disgusting one to drink for himself. Hayden perks up at the gesture of kindness but Vincent cuts him off before the energetic boy can say anything.

"Don't make me regret it."

Hayden happily nods and stays quiet as he downs the frappuccino. After a few seconds, he takes Vincent by surprise when he slowly slips his fingers into his palm. Vincent's eyes shoot toward Hayden's face, but he only finds a shy smile plastered onto his features.

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