Chapter 17: Sickness Part 1

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I woke up and everything really hurt and I felt very congested so I got up without waking Maddie and walked into my bathroom and found the thermometer so I could take my temperature and saw that it was 101.8 and went to go back and lay in bed until the overhead announcement started balaring and Allura was shouting for everyone to get up so me and Maddie got out of bed and put some clothes on. Maddie asked if I was feeling ok because I looked pale and I told her I was fine.

We walked slowly towards the control room and when I finally reached the control room everyone else was already there so as I walked in everyone turned to look at me and Maddie . Shiro said "Morning Kenya and Maddie, how are you feeling?" He asked while looking at me and I could tell he was trying to pull a space dad. "Fine." I responded with a small smile. I know if I told them that I was sick that everyone would worry and treat me differently so I didn't say anything. I could still tell that they were worried because I was never late and for crying out loud Lance was already here. We started to talk about the training session that we were doing this week and after the little meeting we headed down the hall towards the café. Instead of going for breakfast I headed to my room. I almost made it to my room until I felt someone grab my wrist and I turned around to see who was there.

I saw that it was Keith and as soon as we made eye contact he said "Kenya whats wrong? You aren't going to breakfast and you barely reacted when I grabbed your wrist. Normally you would have the person pinned if they grabbed you." He seemed concerned about me so I told him the half truth "I just don't feel great today, but really I'm fine there is no need to worry." He let go of my wrist and said "Ok, but if you don't feel good I would tell Shiro before the training mission." I nodded and walked into my room to go back to bed. Latar Maddie brought me some food so I could eat before the training.

TIME SKIP. ============

Keith's POV

It had been a couple of hours since I saw Kenya so I thought that she went back to sleep and told Shiro that she wasn't feeling well. I was very wrong when we had to meet for the training exercise Kenya was there and ready to go. I thought that she was feeling better so I got into Red and we launched for the mission.

We had 3 groups of 2 and the goal was to survive on the planet and find the other within a week by sensing where they were. I was with Kenya, Lance was with Hunk and Shiro was with Pidge. We exited the castle and Allura opened 3 wormholes and me and Kenya entered one of them. When we exited the wormhole we found that we were around a solar system that was similar to the milky way. "Ok I think that our best bet is to fly and focus on the other paladin's energy." Kenya stated. Then, I responded with "Sounds like a plan." We were flying around for a while and I still couldn't find where the others were. "Kenya, let's take a break. We have been trying to find them for hours." I said and I heard no answer. "Kenya?" I questioned again as I stopped Red to turn and look at the Gray lion. When I turned around I could see the Gray lion falling to the ground of the planet that had an abundance of nature. "KENYA!" I shouted as I dived after the falling lion.

I saw where the gray lion landed and grabbed a med kit before I rushed out of the Red lion to go and help Kenya. I reached the gray lion and entered through the lion's mouth. When I got in the cockpit I saw that Kenya was passed out in her seat and I walked up to her and remembered that she wasn't feeling well this morning and placed my hand on her head to see if she was running a temp. I could tell that she was burning up and I grabbed the thermometer and took an accurate temp, I read her temp and it said 102.7 'Holy crap' I thought as I looked at the state that she was in. She seemed to be sweating a lot and I could tell that she was uncomfortable. I started to think about what I could do until I remembered that Allura said there was a pull out bed in the back of the lion for emergencies. So, I headed to the back of the lion and pulled out the bed for Kenya.

I picked Kenya up in a bridal style and placed her in the pull out bed. After I got her situated I walked out of the lion to see if there was any fresh water around that I could use to bring her temp down. I finally found a stream and filled the canteen I bought. I walked back to the lions and I first entered red to see if I could get a transmission out because Allura said that if there was an emergency to us the coms but for nothing else. "This is the red lion calling to the castle of lions come in." I said into the intercom but there was no answer. "Allura, it's Keith, come in." I said again but there was no answer. "Come on" I shouted as I banged my fist onto the control panel. I took a breath and walked out of Red and headed towards the gray lion. When I got there I saw Gray and he was laying by Kenya.



Kenya's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone walking in the gray lion and I looked over to see Keith walking up the ramp leading into the lion. "Hey, are you feeling any better?" He asked. I felt that my throat was sore and everything hurt. "Not really." I answered as I looked to the ground to see Gray there. "I guess we have different definitions of "I'm Fine" He said as he walked up and grabbed something from the med kit. 'Umm..." I answered and continued to look at Gary while petting him. He handed me some medicine and I layed back down.

"Have you been able to get incontact with anyone?" I asked "No I have been trying but if we can't get Gray up and running we can't find a better place for signal and I don't think that you're in the condition to fly." He replied. "I still feel like crap." I mumbled. "Well I am sure. You crashed into a planet after you passed out from an extreme fever." He said with a somewhat concerned tone. I sighed and just started to think about what we were going to do. "Well we are just going to have to wait for everyone to come and find us." I said and we started to fix up gray.



We have been stuck on this planet for two days now and I wasn't feeling much better. I was still running a high fever of 101 - 102 degrees. Keith was really worried about me and we still don't know how I got sick but here we are on the gray lion camping because I cant fly. Right now I was resting and Keith was still trying to contact the castle. Keith walked into the lion and saw that I was laying down and asked "how are you feeling?" "Like I got hit by a Lion. I checked my temp about 5 minutes ago and it was at 100.1" I responded.

"Well It is lower than what it has been. Also, I was able to make contact with Allura and we are ending the drill early so they can come and find us." He said and at that I sat up and we started to Pack everything up.

(1382 Words)


I hope that yall have a great week and make sure to comment and vote!   BYE!!!!!


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