Chapter 9: Past Memories

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I was running through the hall towards Pidge's room and I could faintly hear Shiro yelling my name. I made it to her room and knocked on the door really hard and she opened it saying "Relax! Oh, Kenya what's going on?" She asked and I was out of breath from running but still responded "Who was on the Kerberos mission with Shiro?" She could tell I was very frantic and she paused for a moment when Shiro came up behind me and listened to what Pidge had to say "Well as you know it was Shiro, My dad and brother and then there was a girl named Maddison Exe. Why do you ask?' she questioned and I realized that she didn't notice that Shiro was there when she was talking about her dad.

"Hold on Commander Holt is you father?" He asked surprised and Pidge looked up in horror because Shiro was there when she mentioned her family. "YES!" I said and I looked back at Pidge and I answered her Question "Maddison Exe is my girlfriend that I told you about." I said and she immediately was wide eyed and shocked just as much as Shiro. Then Pidge told everyone to follow her to the green lion's hanger and she pulled up information on Maddie from the garrison files she had. "It looks like Maddison was a top cadet in the garrison and was hand selected by a Five star general for the mission." She said

I kept looking at her picture remembering all of the great memories we had together from our first kiss to the day she left on her mission with Shiro. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder and I looked and saw that it was Shiro "We will find her Kenya. I promise." Shiro said with a small smile and Pidge came over and hugged me and Shiro did the same. Then I pulled away and made my way to my room to get a good night sleep.

(337 Words) 


Hey everyone I know that this was short and that is why I  will be posting latter on as well. I will be adding Maddie more into the story and I am excited to get into a love story for these two. Also as a reminder I will be skipping episode 3 and immediately going into episode 4 and making a couple of changes to the story line. Happy Reading!!!!  ❤      BYE!!!!!


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