"I'm so sorry I haven't come to see you both. How are you?" I smiled widely.

"We're good. More than good actually." Gemma laughed lightly.

"I can't believe we are free from those beady eyed monsters." Hayley added.

My smile dropped when I looked at her. "I thought we were going to die."

"We would have if we weren't rescued when we were."

I nodded in agreement, casting a glance over my shoulder to see Kai, casually leaning against the door frame.

I gave him a loving smile before turning back to the girls.

"I should have come to see you the minute I got out of the medical centre."

"It's ok, really, we know what happened to you. Besides, Hilz and Danik have taken great care of us." Gemma smiled.

We all sat down on the sofa and Gemma informed me that she and Hayley would both be returning back to Earth tomorrow.

"How are you feeling mentally?" I wondered.

"Terrified." Hayley blurted.

That's no surprise. I had managed to get through this ordeal quite well, mostly thanks to Kai and although I wasn't exactly sure what they went through on the ship, I knew that it wouldn't have been easy.

"What will you tell people?"

"We.. we have been given the option of forgetting all of this." Gemma murmured.

"What?" I snapped my head in her direction.

"I fear that when we get back to Earth, we won't be able to fit back in with society like we did before. Certain sounds, the kids crying and constant fear that it could happen again would be too much. Even now, sitting here, my anxiety and stress levels are through the roof. Then there's the struggle of keeping this quiet. No one will believe us and no doubt we'll get thrown into an asylum for crazy people if we said anything. We've had a few weeks to decide what we want to do and forgetting it all is our most favoured option."

I sighed, nodding. "I understand."

"If there was an option to remember you, we would take it in a heartbeat, but it's all or nothing." Hayley sniffed.

"I'll never forget you." I looked at them both as a tear grazed my cheek.

Hayley was sat between me and Gemma, and I wrapped my arm around her, reaching out for Gemma with my other.

We all embraced each other in a gentle squeeze before chuckling softly.

"I wish I could come with you, just to gather some homely supplies."

"Coffee?" Gemma quipped, and I laughed out loud.

"Coffee." I nodded, wiping my cheek with the back of my hand. "No matter how delectable the food is here, I can't help but yearn for coffee."

After speaking with the girls for a while, they had to leave so that they could prepare for their departure tomorrow.

Standing on the porch, saying our goodbyes, I promised that I would go and see them in the morning, one last time before they left forever.

"See you tomorrow." Hayley smiled, a small wave as she followed Gemma into their shuttle.

"Bye." I smiled back, feeling a little emotional as I closed the front door.

Today had been a whirlwind of a day and I wasn't sure how much more I could take.

I walked into the living room and slumped down on the sofa. I could hear Kai in the kitchen but I decided not to interrupt him. His mood towards me wasn't the greatest so I sat in silence and let my thoughts entertain me instead.

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