Chapter 21 - Forever

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Mia's Pov:

The next morning I woke up to feel two strong arms wrapped around me. My body is still completely bare from last I slide out from underneath Felix's arms and wobble over to my dresser. Why did my legs have to be so sore. I end up putting on a pair of trackies and a sweater. I glanced over at felix, he was snoring ever so slightly and was curled up in the blanket. I smile to myself and walk downstairs and peek my head around the lounge room door to see Jisung and Evie laying together.. Naked.

"Yah! Can you guys at least put some clothes on!" My hand had shot up to cover my eyes and I heard my brother stir awake. "Well can you not walk in on us?" I can hear his deep morning voice echoing through the room. "Well you're the ones who decided to do it in the lounge room and not in your bloody bedroom!" I Uncover my eyes and turn around to run head first into Felix's chest.

"Babe watch where you're going.." Felix hand strokes my hair gently and I shiver slightly at his deep morning voice. "Sorry I didn't know you were there." I say with a little blush on my cheeks as I remember last night's happenings. "Also don't go into the lounge room unless you want to see my naked brother, and naked best friend." I make my way over to the fridge and I hear a soft gasp escape Felix's lips. "So they did it too?!" He whispers in shock. I Nod slowly giving him a look that says "Yep, what a coincidence." I turn back to the fridge and get the milk out to make myself a coffee. Felix's arms wrap around my waist tightly and he rests chin on my shoulder.

"Watcha making?" He whispers into my ear, his warm breath sending shivers up and down my spine. "Coffee, would u like a cup as well?" I wait for his answer. "Don't make it bitter tho because I hate bitter coffee." He makes a gagging sound which makes me laugh. "Don't worry I don't like bitter coffee either. I end up making him and me a coffee each and we lean back on the bench sipping it little by little. "We should do something together today, just you and me." Felix says before slurping on the coffee.

"I think I have had enough of you for these two weeks." I say smirking slightly which causes Felix to chuckle slightly. "Movies?" Felix says, glancing at me. I nod slowly in agreement.

(That afternoon)

After the movie finishes, Felix and I come back home and open the front door to see Jisung and Evie making out together. "Woah ever heard of getting a room?" Felix chuckles and they both glance over at us. "Well you could have given us a warning that you both were coming home so soon!" My brother says while picking Evie up and carrying her upstairs to his room. I roll my eyes and look over at felix, his eyes were glued to me like magnets.

"Can we talk?" Felix's voice is as soft as he speaks to me. I nod and walk over to the lounge room and sit down on one of the couches. Felix sits beside me and looks up to meet my eyes. "I just want to speak about Lily, am I able to talk about that topic." Felix says softly. I feel a pang of hurt in my heart as he says her name but I nod slowly.

"Well she was such a sweet girl, she and you are so similar, same personality, same likes and dislikes, you both were really meant to be best friends." Felix smiles softly as he recounts the memories of her "She was really pretty just like you were, she was just as smart as you were, you both are so good at cooking." He grabs both my hands in his and gently strokes them with his thumb. "But, Mia, I have moved on. I still love her, very deeply, but she is gone now, she is in a safe place, she is where she is supposed to be, in a better place. Someone up there is probably loving her as much as I loved her. Now it is my turn to love someone else, you. You are perfect to me in every way. You are the one and only love of my life. I came to find you Mia, to be with you.. Forever... and I really hope that someday in the future we will get married and have a family together, because I want that with you, because you're the only person I love so deeply."

Felix's voice cuts off and I realise that our faces had inched closer together while our lips were inches away from each other. I took this time to rethink what happened. I look into his eyes and I feel my body move forward and press my lips on his gently. My hand squeezes one of his hands gently while we kiss. I hope this kiss will last forever.


Thanks for reading <3

Words: 862

-𝐿𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓎- 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝒻𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓍 𝐹𝐹✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن