Chapter 16- Disagreement

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I look over at the hallway and suddenly see Felix coming through the opening. "What the hell Felix!" Evie sounded like this had happened before like she knew exactly what to say in this situation. "I can't believe it happened again, also why the hell did you take those photos?"

Felix was rubbing his head, I think he is still a little drunk, Evie stood up and a slight limp was visible, she started storming towards him, gripping his arm in a tight claw, "Arhh!" Felix exclaims, obviously worried and scared of the woman who was gripping his arm tightly, digging her nails slightly into his skin. As I sat alone in the lounge room, I could hear a loud conversation, although it was loud I couldn't tell what they were saying.

Evie walks in and slowly smiles, at first it was sympathetic but then it turned into an excited grin. She limped swiftly towards me silently laughing, "What?" I am confused. We just nearly got killed and she is laughing. Great. She stretched her long arm down to my hand, I gripped her hand and stood up straight. "Come now." she pulled me up to my room where we sat on my unmade bed.

"Felix is in love with you!" she said excitedly. My heart began to beat even faster than before when we were getting robbed, again my pulse was pounding through my veins, several beads of sweat fell from my head, my breathing getting faster. "NO he can't, why would he tell you that and why would he love me? I mean look at me and look at him, NO he doesn't, he's my boss!" Her eyes rolled and then she got up and walked out. "I should go." She walked out the door. I flopped onto my bed and sighed.

That night I didn't go and eat dinner with Felix, like most nights I was so scared to face him after that, it would be awkward and weird. I didn't know what he had said to Evie or if he had even said anything, but I didn't want to know. I woke up that night sweating my t-shirt drenched, I looked around and fell back on my pillow, I leaned over and fell out of the bed, sliding onto the floor slowly. "Ugh..." I stood up, my legs shaky and limped over to my dresser and got a new t-shirt, and then walked over and fell face first onto my pillow, after about 20 seconds I fell asleep.

When i wake up in the morning i'm in the same position which is not a pretty sight to walk in on, me in my sports bra and shorts flopped half on my bed half off my legs sprawled across the floor and the t-shirt still in my gripped hand.

"What are you doing?" Felix moans, I open my eyes and realise he's looking at my weird deranged looking form at the moment. "Uhhh, why are you here?" I say as I jump up from the bed, wiping away a drop of saliva from my chin, I could tell that he was hungover and regretting yesterday's drinking spree.

"I just wanted to say good morning, and that i'm not going to work today so you don't need to if you want to rest up for tomorrow." Tomorrow? What was tomorrow? I think he understood that this confused me. "You have the photo shoot with Evie, for the swimwear, did I not mention that to anyone?" I roll my eyes "Not to me but ok sure, i'll stay here."

As I hopped along to the bathroom past Felix, I could smell the alcohol on him, coughing. I say "You need to take a shower, you stink." He rolled his eyes. They were so dreamy... Snap out of It! He then put both of his hands on my shoulders. I don't like him, I'm pretty sure I don't anyway but this made the butterflies wake up and they started to swirl around in my stomach. As his deep brown eyes locked to mine, he pushed me out of the way and walked to the bathroom door, and smiled then he opened the door and closed himself inside.

"Ha ha so funny, now get out and let me have a shower please." I hear the lock click and the sound of the shower running. "Whatever, I'll stay out here and tell my brother that you kissed me like the second day you babysat me." I said in a teasing voice, almost instantly the lock clicked again and he ran out of the bathroom, "There you go, enjoy the waters already warm" I giggle slightly and pat his cheek gently. "Oh that's so generous, thanks." I said in a mocking voice.

-𝐿𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓎- 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝒻𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓍 𝐹𝐹✔Where stories live. Discover now